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Posted by GwynJ on February 6, 2001 01:06:22 UTC

I agree that there are many 'Religious people who desperately want their beliefs to be true.' I don't really think of myself as 'religious', too broad a term. I've come to learn evidence of an active, just and benevolent creator in my life and around me. If I'm wrong? No harm done. But given the comparison between my pre- and post-belief life (apparently blissful pre-, damn rugged but satisfying since), I have found my life has much more meaning and interesting surprises that are better applied than they were before. I don't speak for others. I'm not always right. But I'm pretty cynical and it came as a surprise that I COULD believe when most of the 'religious input' til that point was a bunch of shite, at least in my estimation. So, here I am, no regrets.

Yes, the scientist knows well laws of physics, and 'religious' people are well advised to bear them in mind. (i figure that comes under the clause of 'don't test God to see if you're gonna be that one in a million, you'll meet your end eventually, why rush it?'). But there are equal fools on both sides of the fence, and who can even understand where they get their folly?

Yet, sometimes you will also hear a 'religious person' express that if you don't make a choice for God on this side of the grave, you aren't gonna be with him in the next. A scientist may tell that person not to take themselves seriously, because they could be wrong, and there is nothing to consider outside of what can be proven this minute. Yet, in science, one does not put constraints on oneself and say 'if i don't discover this by 5 i'm going to retire in tahiti'.

maybe checking out would be of interest. maybe not. we are allowed to agree to disagree. i am not concerned with bringing people to MY way of thinking (God help them all!!! haha). You may see I've only started, maybe, 5 threads in a couple months? Everyone has much to learn about many things, and being an expert in one does not an expert in all make.

As for as 'if life is all serious', I should probably clarify. If it is all a chore and struggle. There are times during intense study that I am simply very content with the rigor and love the mental workout. With the passion and dedication many scientists show, it would seem that way in their circumstances, as well. That is not the same seriousness to which I referred.

I'm not going to blissfully jump out a perfectly good airplane with a cloth bag strapped to my back, anymore than I'll follow the thousands in my locale who strap long thin 'boards' to their feet, go down icy slopes at 50 miles an hour, and then wonder why they're on crutches/in slings the next day.

I hope you know I don't dismiss scientific knowledge out of hand the way some do the bible. And I know some believers who I just wonder 'what the---?', but I'm also trying to use my time and choices well. I could easily get swallowed up in this forum alone, but to what greater good by letting what sordid talents I DO have rot? :) (right, if you believe I have talents that's a huge leap of faith on your part, right? anything must be possible! haha - I'M JOKING.). :)

cordially yours,

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