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Evidences For An Active, Just, Benevolent God

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Posted by John Morgan Powell on February 7, 2001 18:46:05 UTC


Your message didn't bore me. I still need to read the information you mentioned that was originally directed to Alexander.

It seems to me that the experiences you described could be explained without God.

Good people pray for things and sometimes get them. Does this imply there is a God? What about good people who don't get what they pray for? (I'm considering only the "good" because some would argue that evil people don't deserve blessings).

What about atheists who get what they want, without prayer?

Good people are sometimes saved from hurtful experiences. Does this mean it was God who saved them? What about good people who suffer those hurtful experiences?

If prayer worked at all in a supernatural way you would expect a lot more evidence.

One argument I heard is that if prayer worked then the Kings and Queens of Great Britain should have had significantly better health and lived longer than their relatives who lived a similar lifestyle and had access to similar medical care because millions of people around the world would daily pray "God save the King/Queen". If one prayer can produce even a tiny influence, then millions of prayers should produce a million times the effect. Since there is no evidence the royalty of Great Britain had better health than their relatives, the power of prayer is extremely small, if it exists at all.

How many of your prayers have been answered compared to the number that have not? Some religious people refuse to remember or admit that their prayers aren't always answered.

Do you agree that these events in your life could be explained without God?

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