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RE: Single Most Important Evidence For Beliefs
Forum List | Follow Ups | Post Message | Back to Thread Topics | In Response To Posted by bzrd on August 13, 2000 02:03:34 UTC |
Hey Philo, good to see you and Tenacious. I have pondered this question scince I first read your post yesterday. It is a deep question. The best evidence for my belief in Christ is spiritual in nature. Of course, there are material issues we could debate, but underlying every material stance, there are assumptions and presumptions which, I believe, are manifestations of the human spirit. According to my belief system, man has inherited a spirit of rebellion against God. Man`s rebellious nature was first demonstrated in Genesis 3, and has become profoundly evident in todays culture. In the US, the words "..one Nation under God.." once rang true, but we Americans have allowed our country to become "one Nation out from under God" in order to appease the secularists, who rebel agianst the biblical precept, that there is no Truth outside of God. What has man wrought? We have succeeded in indoctorinating a couple of generations of children with the idea that wrong is right. That it`s OK, to crush an unborn baby`s skull and suck it`s brains out, because the "mother" perceives it as an "inconvienence" to her self-absorbed life-style. We have decieved our own children into thinking that they are sophisticated animals. Then we wring our hands in despair as they commit atrocities that were unheard of a quarter-century ago. The spirit of rebellion is alive and well in this forum, where the God of the Bible, is looked upon as some sort of "cosmic wet blanket", piosed to smother any New Age or alternative philosophy. In part that is true, the book of Daniel tells of a stone not hewn by human hands, that will roll out of Babylon, and tear these kingdoms down. It was the stone the builders rejected. It is the stone that will crush that eye over top the pyramid on the back of that dollar bill in your pocket. It IS the chief corner-stone, a stone of offense and a stumbling-block [save for the elect] for the Jews. It is the stone upon which I stand. |
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