hey good to see you too Bzrd ;)
You brought up an interesting point about truth. You said that there`s no truth outside of god and that "we have succeeded in indoctrinating a couple of generations of children with the idea that wrong is right".
I maintain the stance that all notions of good and evil are indoctrinated, after all indoctrination is simply the instruction of of a body of principles. It`s built into us as a species, that the things we hate (and therefore label as evil) are those things that we are most threatened by. The more people threatened by an act, the more likely it`ll be considered evil. That`s why I believe good and evil are a product of consensus... and why evil will never entirely be removed. It`s not because man is inherently evil, but because as a society we need to continually reinvent good/evil to establish a state of "normality". By pointing the finger at someone else and saying "you`re a deviant" it`s easier to establish solidarity among the remaining so called normals. In otherwords, in a society of saints, it might be considered criminal if you didn`t say hello to someone.
Thus i insist, truth is dependant on perspective.
For example: does God exist? Yes? No? How does anyone know for sure? They don`t. Thus, you have the existence of faith. And, despite what you might have been led to believe, faith is not truth. Faith is a hard hat worn in areas where fear might fall and hit you in the head at any moment. It`s your need for the existence of something, not the universal truth of it. Things change, and things evolve... that`s the nature of the universe and perhaps it`s only constant.
P.S. I`ve missed this place, and it`s really great to be back (hoorah). |