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Posted by Duane Eddy on November 30, 2004 03:19:23 UTC

So you can explain to Him what His parable really means.

I guess I am not really interested in making up a meaning for a parable when the meaning has already been given. It may insult the Big Guy.

Evolution in my view has several major problems.

1.Thermodynamics processes tend toward disorder.

2.Survival of the fittest would tend to cause life forms which are not dependent on another life form. This is not what I see in nature.

3.The male female relationship in genetic reproduction is a genetic impass to evolution and any life form which requires it should be way behind.
We are not behind.

4.The fossil record does not show conversion between life forms.
That is why they call the missing link "the missing link" BECAUSE IT IS MISSING.
Not for humans only but for all expected life form transisions.

5.The chromosones do not order logically in that if a monkey was close to a human it should have a number of chromosones close to ours and it does not.
Actually we have the same number as a common house fly. (A big jump)
We are at the point that we can tell if someone is genetically related to another.
Corrilation with ape and human chromosones has been tried and we are not genetically related.

When Darwin proposed his theory there was a reasonable chance that further information would be found that would support his ideas.
It has not come and as a matter of fact the opposite has come to pass. Unless a new modificatin to the idea is found quick the hole theory is going to be flushed because of lack of evidence.

I read about a theory reciently which stated that life on earth was brought from many different planets and we were sort of a zoo.

You may, or may not think that was funny but it shows the difficulty in matching evolutionary theory to the fossil record.

I am not afraid of evolution because I have based my oponion on the evedence.

If the evedence changes I will change my mind.

How about you?


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