The prophecies predicted that understandings which were not indicated in the original text would be made known by the Messiah. Should I be surprise when He fulfills what the prophets predicted.
Psalm 78:2 “I will open my mouth with parables, I will utter things hidden since the creation of the world” This passage was referenced from Matt: 13:35
Against my better judgement I will venture into speculation regarding the parables.
If I assume the parables were used to teach a group of people about the kingdom of God, how to get there and what to be warned of,
then it would seem logical to me that the parable would change slightly depending on who was being taught.
If the group being taught had a specific misunderstanding it would need to be addressed.
Also if there were a specific danger the audience had that also must be addressed.
If the group did not contain a certain type of people they would not need to be covered in detail.
I would imagine that the parable may be different if it were told to us because we have different weakness and strengths and temptations then the audiences Jesus taught, however I would expect the main story line to be very similar.
I am just curious.
The parable of the sower was not about farming so why would you think the parable of the stewards would be about banking?
The history of King Herod and his sons is recorded in places other then the Bible. I apologize for not making that clear. If you wish I will retract that paragraph as I have no inspired reference to prove it is true.
It would appear that you think that Jesus said each parable only once.
And therefore the record of a parable must be identical if it is truthful.
Please consider that He taught three and one half years.
The parables were repeated many times as he would give a similar message each time he taught.
Luke 19:1 places Jesus in Jericho and Matthew 24:1 Jesus is outside the temple ( Jerusalem).
These are two very different groups of people. In Luke Jesus is eating at the tax collectors house in Jerusalem the Chief Priests and and elders are present ( He turned over all their money tables the day before).
If you look for truth you will find it.
If you look for errors you will only fool yourself.
You said:
The reason that the Hebrew and Greeks who knew the scriptures did not believe that Jesus was the Messiah was because they could not 'see' the hidden meaning in many of the scriptures. In more than one instance the scriptures were 'opened' to those who could not see:
Jesus raised people from the dead. If someone didn’t believe it was because they choose not to believe, not because they missed some fine point in the Bible text.
It is the same today.
There is proof enough if you give it a fair chance.
If someone searches only for errors it shows that they have chosen what they desire to believe.
It does not take long for them to fulfill their desire.
Once someone starts toward the dark side blindness follows quickly.
One might wonder why the Priests did not change their opnion when faced with someone who could raise the dead instead of being willing to break the Biblical law and kill Him.
It is amazing how deep the blindness can be and how unaware the blind are that they are blind.
Eccl. 3:18-20
This passage specifically states that the similarity between Man and Beast is that both die.
This is repeated twice and contains 80% if the related text.
Nothing about origins is mentioned.
The question you must ask is are you taking the text in the way it was intended or are you distorting it to fit some preference?
If you can’t answer this question yourself honestly I doubt that there is anything I can say that will change your mind on this topic.
You seem to be searching for truth as am I.
Perhaps when we have found it we will find that we agree.
If that is the case it would seem we both have a long way to go, but it is a journey well worth taking.
Your friend on the journey
Duane |