YOU??? I doubt it. You were born a stick in the mud. You'll die a stick in the mud.
Fine Mr. Reactionary. If all you're good for is commenting on how valueless other posters are (which, by the way, you do an EXELLENT job at - seriously, if there were a company for such things, you'd be CEO) Why don't YOU come up with a topic we can all get our knickers in a twist over huh?
Or better yet, explain to me why I care to NOT be silly? Honestly Mike, no matter what you say, they'll never care. Oh, yeah, they might care long enough to type a 30 second response, but do you think you'll ever change someone's opinion on how the universe is - or how their GOD is? I don't THINK so! Let me clue you in on a little thing us mortals in the peanut gallery like to call "reality". Spouting your opinion will never change someone elses.
These are very sacred topics to me. That's why I don't make a lot of comments on them - if I were to publicly say something that wasn't true about the Almighty, don't you think I'd be in just a little bit of trouble? What I think is irrelevant. What is true is none of my business to errantly convey. The spirit cannot reside in a contentious atmosphere - and quite frankly, I haven't seen a lot of UN-contentious atmosphere on this or any other forum.
Now, you have every right in the world to shred me up into little pieces. But just so you're aware, my method of conveyance does not automatically make me, nor my views, less than human. I'd appreciate it if you'd stop with the "you-are-just-so-stupid" act. I'm not. I asure you, I am just as geeky as the rest of you and enjoy science and mathematics very much. But I'm not willing to cut off my personality for it. 'K, deal with that.
Mike, do you feel better about yourself when you slam me? Or anyone? Why do you do it Mike?
p.s. You know Mike, you're one of those people who drive freaks to suicide. Feel special? |