And we've been getting along great so far, but I just had to jump in on this one. As an unbiased third party onlooker, perhaps you may value my opinion as objective and fair. Please take no offense.
~~~What about the Golden Rule? You obviously are
not addressed by anyone on this forum the way you
address me.~~~
I believe you attacked her first with the whole "you're anonymous" thing. Perhaps you could have extended a warm welcome?
~~~I don't think very many people are fooled by your bluster.~~~
I like her "bluster". She comes off as witty, intelligent, sure of herself and her opinions, and seems to have a good sense of humor. What could be wrong with that?
~~~You didn't sign in with
your "really real name" as the forum log-in requests,~~~
Some people put their whole name, some just their first name, some just a nickname ... I think it requests a real name so that people don't just use initials, or make a joke outta registerring a mocking and inappropriate name, etc. I doubt John wants our first, last, middle initial and SS# and address.
~~~and you don't support your comments with comprehensive, systematic evidenence or logic.~~~
Neither do we all, all of the time. This forum is cool in that it covers a very wide range of subject matter, allows for the layman's opinion as opposed to strictly rigorous and methodic scientific argument, and there are many different personalities and view points. The variety and freedom makes this a great forum.
~~~There is no reason to believe what you write.~~~
If she says she believes in God, I believe her. If she says that blackholes are mysterious and awe inspiring, I believe her. If she says that mathematics equates to pure artistic beauty, I believe her. If she were to say I'm annoying and come off as a complete idiot (no she didn't ever say that), I'd believe that she believes that. I believe Styx is her favorite band and that Pink Floyd is her second. What's not to believe? |