I enjoyed Allen's post. Why not nursery rhymes? Politics? To Heck (you heard me - Heck - ruled by the prince of insufficient light) with politics.
Why should a person be bound by another's standards? As I recall - you have my blessing to shred me up into little pieces and stomp on my ego if I'm wrong - but wasn't Feynman a bit of an oddball in his theories? Some people revere him and hold him as an outside-the-box thinker. But his theories were not - and possibly still aren't - seen that way by some. There are many scientists - Galileo, Copernicus, Einsein, etc. - that were not taken seriously when they came out with their theories.
Now here's the $64,000 question: Why?
Allow me to give my own opinion to my own - non-rhetorical mind you! - question. In major ways, it did not comply with peoples' standards of the day. And people don't like that. We live in a VERY "boxed" society. Everyone does.
Now, I'm not saying Allen's the next Einstein - sorry Allen - but if he wishes to convey something through any medium whatsoever - why do YOU care? Is it your perogative to keep him in place?
I recall Whomi telling me I was quite silly several times. But you know what? I get by a lot better being a little silly. There is nothing wrong with stating a mathematical equation in a non-mathematical way. In fact, I appreciate people who can have fun in their field. It comes across in a much less "Look at me, I'm so smart I know how to state the obvious in an uncrackable mathematical dialect. Too bad you'll never figure out what I just said" way.
So please. Lay off the silly people. They make life a lot more enjoyable.
And Allen? I appreciate your ability to think outside the box. So few leftbrainers can. ;]