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Maybe I Spoke Too Soon

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Posted by Paul R. Martin on June 8, 2003 05:54:35 UTC

Hi Harv,

I must have been composing my reply to your earlier question while you were composing this clarification. It sounds like what I wrote might be "absolutely NOT what [you] need to see to best evaluate [my] theory". Good thing I didn't go into even more detail.

Let me try to do it along the lines you suggest:

1) Reality is entirely mental.

2) The primary, in fact the only, physical structures are thoughts in the mind of God.

3) As it turns out, nothing in reality is infinite, and when the concept is considered on a hypothetical basis, it invariably leads to inconsistency.

4) Since everything that exists is a thought in the mind of God, God can contemplate "things" in many different ways. For example, he can arrange them on a 2D "screen" if he wants, or a 3D "stage", or higher dimensions if he likes, or he can make changes in those structures and arrange the changes along a temporal dimension, or two, or more. There are many ways of viewing those thought structures.

5) One interesting way of viewing some of those structures, is to organize them into complex brains and bodies and then to experience the view from "behind the eyeballs" of the bodies. It makes it seem to God as if he actually is a real body living in a real physical world.

6) "Bodies" of that type have been constructed in patterns so simple that they can be projected into a 4D space-time structure, while others are much more complex and are projected into 5D, 7D, and as high as 20D (remember I'm just guessing).

7) Regardless of the complexity achieved, there is never more than one soul in the sense that nothing other than God ever really experiences qualia. But it is very common for God to have the illusion that he is nothing more than one of those "bodies" living in a physical world. That only happens while he is actually driving one of them.

8) God never gets bored for two reasons. First, his work is never done and there are always more unintended consequences to check out and explore, and second, he very often forgets how much power he really has while he is down driving one of the organisms.

Is this more like what you are looking for. Harv?

Warm regards,


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