I scratched my head after I read your post. If we were in China, I could see your concern, but even the most rightwing or leftwing government employee believes strongly in free speech and the right for citizens to speak their opinions. In fact, this is one vehicle how politicians can get re-elected or get elected by tapping into those concerns. For example, it is quite clear that both European leaders and our American President staged a public relations effort at the Economic conference recently. Bush has to impress voters at home that America is mending fences so that we don't appear to be outcast, and certain European leaders must appear to be in alignment with America so that they are not perceived as out of alignment with the world's only remaining superpower.
Anyway, I guess your experience with government has not been a positive one. My experience has always been positive and always appreciate the services provided by our government. In fact, as one who occasionally works with government offices, it amazes me how much more efficient at servicing our citizens the U.S. government has become over the past 15 years. I'd say they've made remarkable progress at providing information and satisfying the needs of the populace with less personnel (in terms of % of population).
Well, that's how I see it. Any criticisms on my part is based on the hope that the populace will demand more international support for our policies, and thereby maintain our country strong into the future. I think everyone here is close to the same opinion. |