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Posted by Murat Bilginer on February 24, 2003 18:29:00 UTC

i dont know much about the situation in pakistan and india, but one word can help. tradtion, islam is that of the quran. theres nothing in the quran tha justified aggression or imposition of religion. its actually believes that to force conversion is not belief, it is compulsion and there is no compulsion in religion. religion is a belief system not a emotional one. but nationalism, culture, tradition and other emotional and political situations are the product of factions vying for control.
take for instance the example to people coming together to fight over resources. thats not religion, that definitely not islam as far as ive read from the quran. there are also books used by many that refer to themselves as islamic, hadith and sunnah. hadith are books chock full of tribal traditions and allegedly sayings of the prophet. but they were never commissioned by him or his closest friends as was the quran. they were oral tradition amongst the tribes and were started to be compiled over 300 years after the prophet's passing. religion, philosophy, history, you name it, as along as it was important to the people, it was used and twisted to represent the agenda of those in power. the crusades are an example as is the old testament for israel. i lived in israel for a year, interestingly enough, those that support the "state" of israel, are not not exactly kosher jews, they follow tradition but not necessarily religion. the orthodox there, by and large, do not support the state of israel and even go as far as saying that god will punish the for misusing the scripture. i heard this myself from israeli jews, some of them my friends and other ive met. all in all, people do everything in the name of religion and waht have you. they always try justify their agendas to the masses anyway possible, why should the name of religion be different? but i will look into that situation, and dont forget who was there nosing around. merry ole england. i think you might be interested in the idea of nephilim in the bible.

peace and sorry you have the impression that islam is so bad. thats obviously the fault of muslims that dont stand up for the truth. but people are people

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