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Posted by Richard Ruquist on February 26, 2003 16:30:57 UTC


The way it worked except for a very few instances, like when Joe told me what I had peomised to do, was that he was only allowed to answer questions that I had asked.

He did volunteer one thing else, that my former Program Manager on the west coast was defending me at the peril of job loss. That was quite interesting because my race walking buddy had no idea who or what my Program Manager was. It was all govt secret. So that was my best evidence that Joe was for real. I of course called my former Program Manager and shared my plans to stop deployment. The guy eventually was laid off anyway like the rest of us when the Berlin Wall caME DOWN.

You see. After the missile system was stopped, the laser people got more money and hired me in 1988 via Litton ITEK to work for them as a reward. BTW- in 1980 I had shown that the laser system would not work because of atm turbulence. So the laser people kicked me out of work then and the missile people, happy that I had blunted the laser system, hired me. The tables reversed in 1988, but then in 1990 all the contracts were cancelled and all us workers went out on the street, both missile types and laser types. But Star Wars is hot again because of Bush.

Another interesting exchange that indicates the kind of thing that goes on in heaven. I was a practicing Buddhist at that time, 1978, and reading the literature of Elizabeth Claire Prophet, head of the Church Universal and Triumphant, in Montana. She was using channeling of many Saints to combine Catholism and Buddhism.

But she was also involved in the Star Wars politics, bcause the dieties that she was channeling were telling her to support Star Wars.

So there was an obvious contradiction between what Joe was telling me I should do and what other like beings were telling Mrs. Prophet.

I put this to Joe one day while at a race walk at Brown University, actually in the parking lot. It took him longer to answer that question than any other I had ever posed. About a minute, but it seemed very long. When he finally came back, he said that the CUT channeling was an experiment, and in the rear eschalon of the battle whereas I was in the trenches.

I have always thought that that was a cop out answer, with perhaps some truth but certainly not the whole truth. It reminds me of the old expression that god works in mysterious ways. In this case, god or whatever was using Joe to influence me to support their agenda. Newspaper reports are that Nancy Reagan was also involved with a channel. Who knows who else gets such treatment.

For example, I would not be suprised if Osama is being talked to in order to wake the sleeping giant into action- the USA. I expect that many fanatics are channeled to, for support of the hidden agenda.

What is the agenda?

Others have heard it before on this forum, but you are new. So here goes.

Every planet that develops intelligence via evolution, eventually develops fusion weapons and with them the ability for the entire planet to commit suicide.

On these other planets, and ours as well, evolution helps to develop the intelligence, but by basically evil means- war between and within the species. Wars have been a staple of Earth life since the birth of civilization and perhaps before. But the extent and ferocity of war has been increasing up to the invention of atomic weapons. Finally, the hydrogen bombs make war on a global scale unthinkable.

However, mankind has been conditioned to resolve problems by war. Much of mankind is still basically evil. It has been tempered a bit by religious messages of peace. Revelation presents two outcomes, 1,000 years of peace or devastation. We are now deciding which course to take.

So my thought, it did not come from Joe, is that god arranged 9/11 so as to mobilize the world and particularly the USA to eliminate nuclear weapons. Bush's agenda is just that, more than protecting us against terrorists. Perhaps he is being channeled to like Reagan to keep him on track.

So bottomline is that god, or the godhaed, for it seems to be run by heirarchical committees, has seen this happen on innumerable other planets, some were sufficiently evil to commit suicide, and some preserved the peace. So It is trying to guide us to peace, by working boths sides of the equation, just as he did with Star Wars.

What do you think of that?

Peace really,


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