well this is probably the 10th time this has happened to me in the past week, but here i reply again. im sticking to notepad from now on.
as per what ive read in quran and scripture, it would seem to me that heaven and hell is referenced as a state of being rather than a contextural and/or visceral orientation (this idea can be expounded on forever but, i can type that long). we forget that how we feel is not, not reality, rather the neural or whatever result of the perception/stimulous of it. your mom does not make you happy, you make yourself happy with your personalized perceptions of your mom. candy does not make you happy, you become happy by your perception of it as well. the happy feeling you get, to oversimplify, is the product of electro-chemical activity within the neural pathways responsible for the particular causal thought. if one could map and record these pathways and concurrently stimulate them accordingly, then logically, the thought and its consequent feelings should be able to be reproduced. as long as your love for your mom or brother or chocolate exists in your "eternal" self (true self) then it should last and/or be available to you forever regardless of what stimulates it or its actual existence elsewhere.
on a tangent, this is a different yet similar idea i think about.
as far as i know, heaven and hell are represented throughout various forms of existence. with relation to 'the garden of eden" allegory, i would assume that there is an earthly parrallel. the notion of hell: "burning in satan's fire" as far as i can tell (lucifer being the sun god and being laargely responsible for earthly life) this burning is desire/need/want/motivation for satisfaction. heaven contrarily is equated with ideas of abundance, ease and peaceful souls, total satisfaction or total lack of want. take for instance why adam and eve were cast out. they "ate" from the "tree"(system) of "knowledge" consequently being aware of "more" thusly creating "more need" as this is how desire works. you create something that can be percieved to be able to satisfy, then you begin to want it, the more you know, the more you want. this situation is the basis of all modern marketing advertising and pop culture; to create need. even your love of your parents is in one way steeped in your own needs. they are a large part of nature's way of imparting social consciousness and personal identity. you need "family" to know yourself and to "feel" safe. ultimately, we use these ideas personally as it must be true that there are many people, who can invariably be even better people than your own family, that will never gain you perception, yet you wont miss them. thats because you dont know that they exist.
but then again, what do iknow? |