Ask any conservative what was wrong with the 60's and they'll say the drug use. The rock. The free sex.
Ask me, I'd say Vietnam!
Its amazes me how people are always looking elsewhere to find blame. It'd be like a firefighter looking across the street seeing prostitutes and thinking of the immorality, while the house is burning down behind him creating a much greater pain.
You are right in saying people need meaning. However, you make it sound like without the meaning in god, its all downhill. This is where I greatly disagree. I'm a perfect example of how your thesis is incorrect. I don't do drugs and I don't have needless hate. My meaning can be found elsewhere than with god. And nothing that I've done has hurt this country. I'm an engineer. My work is for the people that live in my state. My intelligence helps other people. I am very environmental. I contribute to the Bruce Trail, I drive a hybrid vehicle. I use very little electricity and energy. I live a good life with a good purpose. And you are trying to tell me that somehow, my secularism is killing this country?
You are right. You won't be able to find the statistics to prove your point. They don't exist, if they did, they'd been compiled by now.
Your thesis is fatally flawed because you assume that god will cure ills. But god was who commanded us through the Manifest Destiny to commit genocide. It was Hitler who thought he was pleasing the Lord through his actions. God was supposed to be pleased with the 9/11 hijackers and the Holy Crusades and the Inquisitions. The KKK were god's soldiers. God has been used for so much evil in this country's, and many others, history. Remember the "The Crucible"? True story about witch trials in Salem. Of course, they weren't witches. People were so cold and hungry and tired of indian attacks that hysteria broke out and religion was used to justify the hangings of some decent people. These are large scale events! They try to argue that the "secularism" of the enemies justified the attacks or murders or sweeping injustices.
Secularism is no more in charge of the evils in the world than religion. It is man and woman that are the one's to blame. It wasn't Allah who struck down the World Trade Towers. Nor did Jesus turn on the gases in Auschwitz. People are capable of much greater evils because they want to survive longer and don't care who is effected! Just look at the Afghanistan conflict. How many innocents died in Afghanistan because of inerrant bombs? How many innocent lives were ended because we wanted revenge on someone else? Most Americans say the number was small and justified. Most Americans, who happen to be Christians believed those deaths to fall under the category of justifiable homicide. You tell me, whats wrong with that? Sure isn't secularism. |