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I'll Be 18 Sep. 2003

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Posted by Sam Patterson on September 13, 2002 04:23:06 UTC

"I, too, have been against an entire class of students (including the teacher), but I argued evolution while the class argued creation. The student body at Houston County High School (in Houston Co. TN), where I currently attend, is mostly Christian. I feel as if I am an outcast, among my friends and family members. My family, as well as most of my friends, do not know that I am an athiest. I am ashamed of my beliefs. That is the reason I come here to post. I can talk about my beliefs among people who will offer their opinions (constructive criticism), and not be scalded if my opinions do not coincide with others. Do you, Sam, feel as I do?"

Wow. Where to start? First of all, hello! It's good to see a (kinda) new poster here, no matter what they believe.

I'm kinda suprised that your high school class was all for creation, it was the opposite for me. Make sure you don't confuse Christianity with creation. You can be an evolutionist and be a Christian, no problem. All that matters is you believe in Christ.

"I can talk about my beliefs among people who will offer their opinions (constructive criticism), and not be scalded if my opinions do not coincide with others."

That's good. I won't scald you, and I hope you won't scald me. :) But I can't speak for everyone. Some of the guys in this forum are pretty harsh at times!

"My family, as well as most of my friends, do not know that I am an athiest. I am ashamed of my beliefs."

Why are you ashamed? Are you afraid your family won't accept you? If they are truly Christians, they will love you all the same. But that's not to say they will just let you be. If they truly do care, they will try to show you the gospel.

Why are you an atheist? (I'm not scalding you, I just want to know) I'd like to know.

Sometimes I do feel like you Phillip. I sometimes wish I would just go with the flow, not have to stand up for what I believe. But I do, and it's not always easy. Yet, it is worth it. Perhaps I can share my view with someone, and they are led to Christ. If I do, then none of it was in vain.


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