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Re: One Day We Will Be The Aliens Who Visit An Inhabited Planet

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Posted by bzrd on December 29, 1999 12:24:40 UTC

: If we survive our current technological adaptations, we will one day visit inhabited planets as aliens. : One wonders about our planet, if it has been visited, when, and how many times? There are so many things we cannot explain that are here, some may have seen them as gods, others may have viewed them partially for what they were. Chariots of the gods is a good book on the subject, but I seem to have misplaced it.

bzrd here: That is fun to think about. Probably the only way inter-stellar travel would be feasable would involve manipulation of space-time. Even traveling at the speed of light in a [conventional?] space craft it would take many yrs to traverse the vast distances. I agree there are some ancient artifacts that are unexplainable in conventional terms. If one assumes that man evolved from a simpler life form it is quite perplexing. For ex. virtually every archeological examination of barbaric cultures show that they were preceded by a more advanced civilization. There is evidence that ancient people sailed around the world long before the western Europeans many centuries later. This not only would require they knew the earth was round but also a working knowledge of navigation. How would a people who supposedly rose up from apes, possibly have aquired the ability to construct mathematically perfect pyramids, and on such a grand scale? The city of Atlantis is mentioned more than once in ancient history by more than one person or culture. Could it be more than a myth? However, if the Genesis record is correct, Adam walked with God; it wouldn't seem at all unreasonable assume that He shared the secrets of Creation with him.

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