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Gravity And The Tower Of Bable

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Posted by Phil.o.Sofir on January 5, 2000 02:57:09 UTC

: : : : If we survive our current technological adaptations, we will one day visit inhabited planets as aliens. : : : : One wonders about our planet, if it has been visited, when, and how many times? There are so many things we cannot explain that are here, some may have seen them as gods, others may have viewed them partially for what they were. Chariots of the gods is a good book on the subject, but I seem to have misplaced it.

: : : bzrd here: That is fun to think about. Probably the only way inter-stellar travel would be feasable would involve manipulation of space-time. Even traveling at the speed of light in a [conventional?] space craft it would take many yrs to traverse the vast distances. I agree there are some ancient artifacts that are unexplainable in conventional terms. If one assumes that man evolved from a simpler life form it is quite perplexing. For ex. virtually every archeological examination of barbaric cultures show that they were preceded by a more advanced civilization. There is evidence that ancient people sailed around the world long before the western Europeans many centuries later. This not only would require they knew the earth was round but also a working knowledge of navigation. How would a people who supposedly rose up from apes, possibly have aquired the ability to construct mathematically perfect pyramids, and on such a grand scale? The city of Atlantis is mentioned more than once in ancient history by more than one person or culture. Could it be more than a myth? However, if the Genesis record is correct, Adam walked with God; it wouldn't seem at all unreasonable assume that He shared the secrets of Creation with him.

: : : : ***Hi Bzrd, it may prove impossible to attain speeds we consider necissary for those distances, but we have always found a way to get things done, even if it takes alot longer. It might be that we have to build self-sustainable craft capable of generational support in combination with periods of hyper-sleep to cover the distances, but it will eventually become a necessity, so we will do it. (adaptability)

: : :Earl here..Yeah, I kinda feel like all these space travel ideas : are like a tower of babel, because the main : reason they built that tower is because they : didn't believe what God had said about destroying : the world with water again (and gave a rainbow of : promise that He wouldn't). No, they just said to : hades with the writings and the promises of God, : we'll make sure the water won't reach us again. : they started building and would have : succeeded unless God hadn't intervened. : God saw that they all spoke one language and : had one mind and said anything they start to do : they'll be able to accomplish because they all : speak the same language and are of one mind, so : He came down and changed their languages and : races and meant for them to stay that way until : His return. Anything that unites the world in one : effort because they don't believe what God says : about it is a tower of babel. That's the reason : Satan wants this one world ruler to unite the : world, he thinks he can defeat God, which that's : another defeat Him. It ain't possible. : But, satan thinks it is. It was told us by Christ : what's gonna happen in the end of the ages; and : the reason we want to find another planet or : something to live on is because we don't believe : what God said. Just like they did 5000 years ago. : Any way thats what I believe from reading the : Bible, which the majority of people don't believe, : but that doesn't undermine it's truths. It's all : gonna take place just like it sez. And there's not : a thing we can do about it except be ready, and be : in tune with God when it happens. When all hell : breaks loose on the earth and troubles like we've : never seen we had better be in tune with our Creator : And when it comes down to having to look the Devil : straight in the eye, you better have God backing : you up. : ps...2000 ! wow no more 19** feels funny saying : 2000 ...I am of that generation that saw Israel : become a nation again, and Jesus said that genera- : tion won't pass away until all things be fulfilled. : a generation is about 70 years, 1948 + 70 = 2018 : !!! I see a cloud coming and it looks like rain! : :-)

***What exactly was it they were trying to do with such a tower? As far as why they did not succeed, I don't know really how far they got if the story is partly true, but there would have been a point where simple gravity and the wieght of the tower itself would have destroyed itself. As far as another planet, if there were one I could go to, I'd be there now, especially if you could chose what kind of culture you desired, it would definitely be a rational/science based culture which believed in human rights and the environment and above all, compassion.

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