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Posted by Mario Dovalina on September 3, 2002 01:23:25 UTC

"Umm... try the Koran not the Bible. The word isn't found in the bible because we don't beleive in things such as infidels."

A nonbeliever by any other name, Aaron. Infidel, heretic, blasphemer, whatever you want to call it, fine. But it pretty much boils down to the same thing.

"I don't know much about geology. So yeah I guess just because I don't understand a topic automaticly makes you right."

Of course not. But if you were to bring evidence against evolution, and I said that since I didn't understand it too well I didn't need to reply, you'd be all over me and with good reason. Do a little research.

"Show me the post where I said this."

I believe Rich challenged you to debate with him on geology, and you backed out. I can try and look for it if you like, but don't you remember that?

"Should I be open minded to Natizism? or maybe Socialism? how about being opened minded about being racest against Black people? or can I be opened minded about Terrorists?"

You should be open minded to the extent that you shouldn't have a knee-jerk reaction towards any ideology. You shouldn't immediately think "Nazism: BAD!!!!!" without thinking about WHY and discarding the ideology on intellectual grounds rather than gut feeling. You can look back at the Nazi party's history, look at the atrocities it commited in the name of racial purity, and delve into its inherent selfishness as a political theory, and to discard the theory on these grounds is NOT being closed-minded. Immediately decrying it because "well, it's Nazism" would make you fit in well with the characters of 1984.

"Of course you won't accept any of them, but by your own admission they are possible."

I don't accept ANYTHING as true, Aaron, only likely. But I accept everything as possible, but with varying degrees of unlikeliness arrived at by evidence.

"I don't think that they are possible at all."

Yes, and that is why I consider you to be either misguided, ignorant, or both.

"I can respect and recognize the beliefs of someone with out having to accept them."

Do you mean "accept" as in agree with? Because respecting and tolerating someone is tantamount to acceptance in my book.

"He said him self that he was a laid back Christain. I also respect the fact that he can be that and I also recognize that he is. Thus I'm tolerant"

You mean the tolerance you showed in your "LISTEN TO ME!" rant? The fundy God has zero tolerance for deviancy, why should you?

"The bible isn't Greek Myth, It has been proven true countless times with archeoligical information and other types."

Proven true, eh? Well, answer me this, then, a question I've asked you about 40 times and to which you have never replied:

If indeed all life on earth today spread from Mt. Ararat 4000 years ago, after the flood, we should expect to see a species distribution centered on the mountain, but we don't. We have Komodo dragons only on Komodo, platypi, wombats, kangaroos and koalas all on Australia. How did they get there? How did they leave no trace of themselves along the way?

"Umm.. I'm not Catholic, my domination never attacked anyone. Assemblies of God is my domination and we have and always will be peaceful."

Power corrupts (and I find your spelling of "denomination" as "domination" to be an amusing Freudian slip) and I expect that if your faith ever got into its hands as much power as the Catholic church had in the middle ages, you and your fellow folks would be a bit less lovey dovey and charming than you are now.

"Right now my faith is my answer I beleive that God could have created it midway. I have no answer."

Then why are we even arguing? If, in the end, you can just say "I have faith" to any problem, what good is evidence to you?

"Why do 2 planets spin backwards?"

What is preventing them from spinning backwards? Why can't they? It's just the direction its collecting particles spun in when the planet was first forming. I know of no principle that disallows retrograde spin.

"Shouldn't the rings of Saturn have dissappeared millions of years ago?"

What makes you say so? They are held in orbit, just like the moons of any other planet. Plus, Saturn is collecting other dust and debris that passes by.

"why do you quote the answers I gave in which I said maybe or I don't know. That about how 1/100th of all my answers"

Because it frequently boils down to that. You come on strong, but once the argument gets down to the nitty gritty you fall back on just saying "God did it" or abandoning the conversation.

"I wish we would stop attacking others beliefs and dicussed them with out name calling"

True, but letting out bad air occasionally can be a positive thing.

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