I'll try to liven it up a bit.
Here are some interesting points about Uranus.
Rotation: Uranus rotates 98 degrees to the ecliptic. In otherwords, it spins on it's side. Thus Uranus could not have formed from a rotating nebula as is believed.
Many evolutionists counter this fact by saying Uranus collided with another planet, about the size of earth, and then it spun on it's side.
There are several problems with this theory.
1. A collision like this would result in an elliptical orbit, but Uranus's orbit is quite circular.
2. The moons of Uranus orbit at Uranus's equator, therefore they must have come into orbit after the collision, most likely fragments from the collision (According to evolutionist). But when all the moons and orbiting debris are combined they only make up 0.01% of Uranus's mass. A collision powerful enough to knock Uranus on it's side would have created MUCH more debris than that!
Magnetic Axis: Voyager 2, during it's pass of Uranus, recorded that Uranus's magnetic axis was about 60 degrees tilted from it's rotational axis. The reason it unknown.
Evolutionist claim that the reason the Earth's magnetic field is not decaying is because of the Earth's rotation, creating a 'dynamo' effect (This is my understanding). But this theory can not be used for Uranus's magnetic field because the rotational and the magnetic axis's are so far apart.
Miranda: Miranda is a small moon of Uranus. It is only 14% the diameter of our moon. So when Voyager passed by the moon, scientist expected to it to be a little chunk of ice. But miranda is a rock with amazing cliffs and valleys. NASA says that it was created like a normal moon, but was blown apart (5 times!) from collisions, then reassembled because of the gravitational force between the pieces. But the gravitational force would probably not be enough to pull this planet togheter once, much less 5 times.
There are some points to ponder. It's good to be back posting.
KC2GWX 73's |