Hi Yanniru and all the Gang,
Something occurred to me and it's a first!
I had a thought that folks are not always assertive in a healthy way with their most cherished ideals.
Do you, like I do, conceal my best ideas and post mainly the less-cherished thoughts?
Hi Yanniru, Harv, Luis, Storm, Dolpin
and whoever else has not been chased away:
A thought occurred to me that maybe
some folks here are not always assertive in a healthy way...that they assume their best ideas would not receive fair consideration because they observe the way the forum deals with ideas.
So folks are kind of pounding away like there's no safe haven for honestly sharing your true suspicions...as if their real ideas are off-limits. Harv said it's just common sense not to give your real name on the forum.
Just so you know... I might have about the lowest IQ here on some days, but I know darn well many of the ideas I posted make more sense than a lot of what you've been saying..maybe because you're somehow crippled by social fears and deep suspicion and maybe resentment you can just drop away.
I never thought I was attacking anyone here...
but I realize if some folks here are unbalanced, as anyone can be, they might have thought that the content of our verbal exchanges were the same as being attacked. I think that's a kind of hallucination on their part, but I am trying to respect it and move on.
Truly, the forum is a mystery to me. Lots of things here I can't account for...don't know if my 'box' has been hi-jacked by hackers or what.