Mr Crow wrote (in part)
"You can't worry too much about identity here. I don't care what Harv's name is, because it's immaterial relative to the material that is presented. I don't think the atmosphere of this forum is hostile, it's just occasionally intense."
Interesting that you selected "Harv's name" as the topic...since that topic has been brought up so many times as being unimportant. It was tossed up to me that Harv's name is unimportant many more times than than the two or three times I asked for a summary of his experience or qualifications. This was a debating ploy.
Harv seldom responded to the content of my posts, yet kept repeating the mantra that he responds to content while I only attack the correspondent.
He also said my posts don't make any sense.
Much of the content of his posts, sometimes patronizingly dismissive of the content of others, was almost immaterial to the material being presented.
I don't think this could be his best work. I think he was concealing more than his summary of experience...he was concealing his ideas if he has many.
Mr Crow also wrote:
"With regards to the concealing of the most cherished beliefs, I would say that that is mostly a result of those beliefs being so emotionally grounded that it's difficult to express them coherently in words. But it's worth the extra effort."
Beliefs which are concealed for emotional reasons...hmmm...while they post their second-tier of quality. There's bound to be an emotion involved..malevolence? |