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It Is A Religion...creationism That Is

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Posted by Scott Abernathy on May 21, 2002 22:24:53 UTC

"You guys always make me laugh when I read how hard you try to make creationism a religion!"

I'm glad I can make you chuckle. I can guarentee you that I am laughing at you harder than you are laughing at me. For the last time, I hope!!

Science is changing on a daily basis. In twenty years our knowledge will be different about astronomy, biology, geology, and climate. Science evolves, for lack of a better term. It is constantly gathering new data and revising/discarding old theories. Religion, on the other hand, does not change. It is based on scripture handed down from on high and is everlasting. I hope evolutionary theory is not the same in 20 years as it is today - because then it shows that science is working. Creationism will always be creationism - it is not up for debate or scrutiny. If you can tell me that creationism might be wrong as you know it then we have a starting point. I don't have faith that evolution is right - I believe the evidence suggests that evolution has occured and is occuring today. I have faith that God exists and IT created the world and the universe. That is my faith. I wish to know how God did this miraculous event. I am just as much in awe of this world and its inhabitants as you are. All life evolving and changing, occupying new niches, radiating into wholly different species until they are unrecognizable to each other. Creationism is a way to ensure that your hopes and dreams of religion will not fade away within a secular society. For me, I think religion is a pile of dog sh*t. I think that it is pointless and useless and as corrupt as anything else on this planet. Spirituality cannot be learned from a minister or a choir. It is learned through experience and contemplation. I am a man who believes in God. I believe God created everything that we see around us. I believe that life and the universe are more complex than anything we could ever imagine. We are only scratching the surface with our rudimentary scientific knowledge. Darwin gave us a glimpse, but we are progressing and will leave him behind as a footnote in the science books. I wish I could make you understand that what you believe in creationism is based on faith and not science. You may be using science terms, but at the end of the day it all comes back to God. God cannot stand up to scientific scrutiny - so we must take the back door and try to figure out what God has done. It won't be easy, but at least it will be scientific.


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