If you can explain away all of these problems, I may begin to take fundamentalism seriously.
Age of the Universe and the Big Bang:
1) As Scott pointed out, how do you explain geological formations such as the Grand Canyon that could not possibly be eroded in a mere few millenia?
2) Many stars up there that we can see are more than 6000 light years away. How can we see them if the universe is so young?
3) How do you explain the multitudes of craters we see on other planets? If those planets (and by extension, us) had been hit THAT many times in 6000 years, I'd be in my bomb shelter right now.
4) How do explain the cosmic microwave background radiation that permeates our universe? Where else do you suggest it came from other than a primordial explosion?
5) How do you explain the redshift of most observed stars? A 'redder' look than expected indicates they are moving away from us, hence, the universe is expanding, hence, eons ago it was closer together, hence, if we go long anough back, the universe occupied one point.
6) How do you explain the amount of fossils in the world? If all of those fossils we have found (and extrapolated, all those over the earth) really lived and began 6000 years ago, we should expect a MUCH more populous earth by now given that monumental growth rate.
7) How do you explain the striations of fossils that we find as we dig deeper and deeper? If all species were around at one time, we would expect to find a relatively uniform fossil distribution. But that's not what we find. More complex fossils are near the top (hence, by geology, they are younger) and the deeper we dig, the more simple things get (dinosaurs to trilobytes to amoeba to nothing at all) until we stop finding any fossils. Why is that?
8) Why would God make so many species of human? Do you believe that at one point we had australopithecus, homo erectus, homo habilus, and cro magnon man walking the earth at the same time? Why create "inferior" versions of man?
9) How do you explain vestigial body parts? Why do we have appendixes? They don't do anything is us, but they do in other animals. You're sitting on your tailbone right now.
10) How do you explain inter-species genetic similarities? We share 99% of our DNA with chimps. How can you be 99% chimp and not be related to the chimp? Even our social behaviors are similar. We share 30% of our DNA with HOUSEPLANTS.
11) How do you explain similar body structures over different species? Most [large] species, for example, have two eyes, one nose, one mouth, two ears, two lungs, a ribcage, a liver, two kidneys, a stomach, a bladder, a small intestine, and a large intestine. All in more or less the same configuration. Does this not imply relation?
12) How do you explain the logical argument that an animal better suited to his environment will be more likely to pass his genes on to a new generation? That's all evolution says: survival of the fittest leading to the change in a species.
The Great Flood:
13) Where did the water come from? There would have to have been miles and miles of water laid down in forty days. I remember reading that that's something like twelve feet per hour. Everything - everything but the bedrock - would have been swept up and carried away. We would expect the surface of the earth to be relatively homogenous in terms of dirt and fossil distribution. But it's not.
14) What about the sea organisms? In the Bible Noah only took the land organisms. How could sea life have survived the turmoil (fresh water mixing with salt water, 2/3 water to 1/3 dirt constitution, etc.) Almost ALL sea life would die outright.
15) Species distribution. If all current life on earth spread from Mount Ararat 4000 years ago (which I assume is what you believe) we should expect to see a species distribution centered on Ararat. But we don't. Australia is a prime example: how did the kangaroos get there, but nowhere else? What, did they step off the Ark and say "Boy, this sure looks like a nice place to start a family. But.... no. Let's walk four thousand miles first, swim across the ocean, and have babies on the first island we find!"? How would you explain Kanagaroos, Kiwis, and Komodo dragons?
16) Do you think Noah brought dinosaurs on the Ark? After all, it says "all land animals" and if there is no evolution, I suppose they would have been around back then. Do you really think he could have fit two brachiosaurs, two apatosaus, two ultrasaurs, two T-Rexes, two triceratops, AND two procompsognatids? AND have enough to feed them for forty days? AND have enough room for all the other animals?
That's all I have off the top of my head. If you can deal with over a third of these, I'll be impressed. |