Okay.......Here we go
"1) As Scott pointed out, how do you explain geological formations such as the Grand Canyon that could not possibly be eroded in a mere few millenia?"
There is that bias again! "Could not possibly". Not the way you look at it anyway! Anyway, there are several evidences against slow erosion of the grand canyon.
A. There is a section of sandstone in the grand canyon called the Tapeats sandstone. This is dated
(by your people, not mine) at 500 million years.
But directly below that is a layer called Hakatai Shale. This is dated at 1.5 billion years old. So
there is one billions years without any sediment
layed down at all??!!??
B. A theory for young earth on how the grand canyon was made is called the breached dam theory.
"...the canyon was formed when the Kaibab Upwarp acted as a dam for three lakes occupying much of Utah, Colorado, and northern Arizona. These lakes catastrophically broke through the Upwarp, and the Grand Canyon was cut out of solid rock by the drainage of these lakes through this breach in the dam." (The grand canyon and the age of the earth, Ray Bohlin, Ph.D.) Hope that is satisfactory for question 1.
"2) Many stars up there that we can see are more than 6000 light years away. How can we see them if the universe is so young?"
I addressed that in this post : http://www.astronomy.net/forums/god/messages/17286.shtml
3-4 I'm working on them......
"5) How do you explain the redshift of most observed stars? A 'redder' look than expected indicates they are moving away from us, hence, the universe is expanding, hence, eons ago it was closer together, hence, if we go long anough back, the universe occupied one point."
I don't know much about this, but why would this not fit into the young earth model? God couldn't have created an expanding universe?
"6) How do you explain the amount of fossils in the world? If all of those fossils we have found (and extrapolated, all those over the earth) really lived and began 6000 years ago, we should expect a MUCH more populous earth by now given that monumental growth rate."
Well, the expolsion of fossils found in the Cambrian layer was a result of the great flood.
Since all land animals were wiped out (except those an the ark) they had to start from scratch.
So the population rates are fine. Here is a good link: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2001/07/0719_crustacean.html
That's one through six, except those two that I'll get back to you. Hope those answers are satisfactory. KC2GWX 73's