Hi Richard,
If you want to debate with Cliff I am sure I know how "he" feels about the issue - so let me know. Since I like to discuss this topic I will assume the role of myself.
You wrote -
"My opinion is that the basis of evolution - war between species and within species for space or land or survival- is inherently evil"
I think there are many more things involved than war between species. As a matter of fact, competition for resources only exist when resources are scarce. This is a fundamental tenet of ecosystem relationships. Alruism, compassion, symbiosis, and genetic relationships also drive evolution. It is too bad that some people in this country believe that competion is the only natural force that life acts upon and you must earn materials rather than share them. Resources are plentiful in this country if we could figure out a way to distribute equally. That is another topic though...Anyway
Evolution is not only driven by "evil", but also by "love". Love in the sense that you love your children because they share almost identical genetic information with you. Isn't that what love is?
You wrote -
"Personally I do not think I came from a monkey"
No species that is living today at least.
We came from a common ancestor of today's apes and monkies. Anything that we evolved from wouldn't be existing today in the same form that it existed in then.
You wrote -
"But the Lord told me that I have had many lives, each havng the same form- where I promise to accomplish something in life on earth before I was born. But in every case, in every previous life, excepting this one, I failed to accomplish what I had promised the Lord."
Does this scenerio go for other animals, plants, fungi, algae, and bacteria. Because I believe that we are no more special or unique than they are. All life is special, and the day I find a religion that realizes this I will gladly follow along (so long as it doesn't have a guru that prays to a sun-god or earth mistress)
You wrote -
"I think people who go to heaven after death go there to rest and recuperate, having fun without working (as I said that's heaven) until they are cleansed enough to be choosen again."
Are you being serious here? I think sometimes heaven might be what we make of it, but I don't know if it is a vacation resort for people who sang gospel music throughout their life. That sounds like Florida!!
You wrote -
" Islam and Christianity are the only religions that do not believe in reincarnation. You cannot control people if they think they will just be born again- that is why Constantine abolished the idea of transmigration. "
I heard from an Anthropology prof. once that reincarnation was part of the original bible, but like so many other parts of the bible they cut out what they didn't like. They meaning the Romans, the church of England, and todays scholars. It says so right on the cover - King James Version. It is his version of the bible, not the lords or the disciples.
I hope we can continue this "debate".