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Supreme Question(Theory Of Relativity Collapse)

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Posted by Abhijit Brijlal Patil on December 28, 2001 07:12:28 UTC

Supreme Question
Abhijit Patil, C/o LIC of India, Shahada city, Dist: Nandurbar Maharastra State, India. Pin: 425 409. E-Mail Address:


Second Postulate of Einstein's theory of relativity says that "no entity that carries energy or information can exceed speed of light". This article aims to falsify this.


We are aware of example of "superluminal scissors" in which, we think, ends of blades(one light year long) of scissors can travel many times faster than speed of light. Scientists explain that this does not happen in reality. I am giving below my logical experiment which explain that information can really travel many times faster than speed of light. So in superluminal scissors also, blades can travel with speed many times faster than speed of light. It has no speed limit.

Logical Experiment:

Please Note: I am giving larger system only for sake of understanding. In fact, this experiment applies to any system.

Imagine a circular dam of radius 1000 meter and depth 10 meter fully filled with water. Rubber pipe of cross sectional radius 1 cm i.e. 0.01 meter is attached to bottom of dam. Let length of this rubber pipe be 3 million km and arranged in spiral structure so that water dam is near left hand and open end of pipe, with cock, is in our right hand touched to ground. (End "A" is attached to bottom of water dam and end "B" is in our hand). The entire pipe is full of water.

Let us open the cock so that, due to pressure difference, water begins to flow out of end "B" with speed 10 m/s(for example only.). According to scientists, this information regarding flow of water will travel back across the full length of pipe i.e. 3 million Km with speed of sound. Speed of sound in water is 1482 m/s. So it will take about 2,024,291 seconds i.e. about 23 days 10 hours to reach this information to water level in dam and only after that water level in dam will come down. After such a long time, there will be steady flow of water in pipe.

Now there is steady flow of water in pipe. Let us lift the 11 meter rubber pipe at end "B" from ground straight in vertical direction. End "B" is pointing towards sky. Now height of water column in dam is 10 meter and height of water column in pipe at end "B" is 11 meter. So to maintain the equilibrium, water should flow from end "B" to dam and not from dam to end "B". But problem is that how the water level in dam will "know" that we have lifted end "B" in vertical direction to 11 meter and pressure in that 11 meter pipe segment at end "B" is changed and stop flow of water? Because scientists says that this information will travel back to dam with speed of sound and reach dam in about 23 days and 10 hours(I don't mind even if scientists apply speed of light. It doesn't affect my experiment in any way.) So water from dam will continue to flow and as water is almost incompressible, according to equation of continuity, equal volume of water which leave dam, will flow out of end "B"(what is important that water is flowing out of end "B").

(I request readers to concentrate on my point: If we lift end "B" of this 3 million Km long pipe to level "above" the level of water in dam, then how and when exactly water in dam will come to "know" that situation at end "B" is changed. If there is time difference, then where the water flowing from dam to end "B" will go during this time difference.)

Please note, during these 23 days and 10 hours, end "B" is at higher level than water level in dam. But still, due to extremely slow rate of information transfer regarding change in level of end "B", Water in dam simply don't "know" that level of pipe at end "B" is changed! Hence water will continue to flow at height 1 meter above the water level in dam without any energy! This defies gravity and law of conservation of energy. And we can calculate the tremendous amount of water which will flow at higher level(about 6356 cubic meter).

My Supreme Question is "Can It Really Happen?"

Only two answers: Yes or No.

(1) If yes, then in this way, we can lift water from oceans to higher level in dams without spending any energy at all. And we can use it in hydroelectric power plants to generate power. Thus we will have never ending source of "free energy". Better to shut down all the thermal and nuclear power plants on earth. This is totally illogical and inconceivable.

(2) If no, then it means that information regarding change in level of end "B" reached to water level in dam at exactly same moment. In other words many times greater than speed of light. But second postulate of Einstein's theory of relativity does not allow this. If information can travel faster than speed of light, then theory of relativity collapse.

I request all the scientists on planet earth to react to this logical experiment.

(Author and material request to: Abhijit B Patil, B.Sc(math), Age 32, C/o LIC of India, Shahada city, Dist: Nandurbar, Maharastra State, India. Pin: 425 409. E-Mail Address:, Tel No. Resi: 91-2565-23794, Office:91-2565-23647,23338,23818)

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