I never denied math,
I supported Marx's right to write,
I believe in Big Old Universe.
Whether Alex believes it or not.
A quick Holiday Greeting to all…
Don’t let me seem to be Scrooge:
Here is, copied and pasted, most of Alexander (no last name)'s feedback to me in the past month:
(All from Alexander to me!)
On the other hand, you are obviousely NOT educated in physics/math at all (and I dare to say that you are likely not educated in other natural sciences too), nor you know much about theology. You are obviousely NOT logically thinking person as is seen from your numerous posts, which are just "word waste".
So what did you expect? That anyone will listen to your incoherent mumbling and attempts to find a grain of sense in it? There is non. At least so far. Thus Richard is correct about your statements.
(All from Alexander to me!)
Michael, this forum is about Science and God (s)
Can you not to litter it with unrelated garbage?
All from Alexander to me:
Mikhael,do Youwant To Say Anything About Thesubject(god-science?
Or anything LOGICAL AT ALL?
You know, people judge your posts by the knowledge you have, logic, and if it is related to the subject of discussion. As anyone can see, there is not much of either in your posts.
All from Alexander to me:
Do you want to say something? You may want to ask someone to translate your posts into meaningfull statements.
I feel that you indeed want to say something, but no one here understands what. Is there a way for you to increase the efficiency?
(All from Alexander to me!)
Michael, I Did Not Notice Any Your Contribution.
Did you make any? So far, as everybody noticed, it was just incoherent mumbling.
Do you call THAT a contribution?
May be we missed something important you said? Coud you please, remind us the post in which you said something coherent?
Most coherent things I remember from your posts were "perpendicular to the point" and " when rotational energy is more than gravity" or something like this - correct me on exact words if I am wrong. Both statements are nonsense (in geometry and physics).
Was this the most bright of your "contributions"?
All from Alexander to me!
Mike, how about McCartney?
So, How About Dark McCarthy Era In US History?
Was this anti-com senator mentally ill or just stupid?
How about current Kanzas board of education.
Do you know that it is ILLEGAL to currently teach Darwin's evolution nor Big Bang cosmology in Kanzas? How "progressive" is that? About minus 200 years?
(All from Alexander to me!):
Love is emotion helping for survival
But because you do not believe in pre-Adam evolution, I doubt that you understand what "survival of fittiest" means.
You are too much behind (at least 200 years) to understand biology. May be you far future grand grand grand children will someday learn evolution and will be ready for taking biology 101.
Mike,or Universe(what Should I Call You?),are You Dumb Orpretend
to be? You messages are so erratic and alogical that I suspect that you just pretending to be so stupid. Are you a human, or just AI software? Human person can't be so dumb.
(All from Alexander to me!)
Say something coherent if you want to discuss something (about science, or about god(s), or about related topics).
Michael, do you have vision problem
You could not even say anything coherent about physics of falling pen, mixing force with energy and energy with acceleration, mixing parallel with perpendicular, point with line and so on. You claimed that math does not govern physical processes without knowing any math and any physics. Obviousely, you are a product of US education system - you point of wiev is very common for US and as I mentioned can be expressed by phrase: "science is Language Removed, bible is it!"
On the other hand, I am the product of communist education system, and indeed even have some "commie" scientific experience (working as scientist in Russia a while ago), so to some degree I may represent "communistic science".
As anyone can see by naked eye, your understanding of physics and math is practically next to nill. Thus, the understanding of Nature is next to nill too. On the other hand, I, the "commie", DO understand physics/math (and thus working of nature too) MUCH better. I can fill tons of gaps about nature in your virtually uneducated head. Are you from Kanzas or Utah, bu chance? Those places are especially behind in understanding Nature (they still live in pre-Darwin world).
(All from Alexander to me!)
Please know that I don't blame you for serious logical fallacies acquired in so-called "free world education system." They come from stagnation which comes from being second best with facts (of course, there is no room for facts in the heads which are already choke full with Adams, Jesuses, evels, Satans, angels, ghosts, vampires, etc), maybe -- not the Capitalism per se, but anyone tempted with the chance to prosper through short-cutting the facts.
Is this how free world thinks?
Accusing others who are better educated to be either "close minded" or "slippery".
Ignorance about nature is NOT a good foundation for accusing others of not understanding how it (nature) works.
"God made it this way", huh?
There is no need in gods or Santa Clauses - nature works as math prescribes.
(All from Alexander to me!)
Mike, can you say anything about the subject?
Michael before accusing others, try to comprehendo math
place a pen on its tip as accurately as you can. Math, describing pen's fall is quite easy - linear diff eq of 2-nd degree. Solution is clear too - exponent (exponential growth of initial angle of deviation from vertical).
So, what direction will it fall if you put it EXAXTLY vertical?
to someone else
Among his many rants to others, Alex says:
And since when Colorado, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, California, and many
other states which all never belonged to US (but to Mexico and to native Americans)
become DIFFERENT than similar parts of Russia?
He did a nice job listing Russia’s space accomplishments. I admired it. |