It is not from stupidity that Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Isaac Newton, and Galileo Galilei were each in their own way strong admirers of Jesus. Nor were they
promoting public ignorance.
To say fundamentalism is partly to blame is reasonable. I hope you will include communist fundamentalism, racial fundamentalism and mob-mentality fundamentalism, not just that related to the middle eastern Bible(s).
But that is too vague to be a scientific analysis, and has universal application only because it is so vague. That would be, in some ways, like Alexander's implying that renaming God as "objective reality" will end all need for debate on the subject.
"Logical fallacies" is not just a phrase for clubbing your opponent in a debate. They are gremlins that make fairly intelligent persons sound like political hoodlums. (this site knows nothing of my posting their link, nor of my writing, I assume).
You say you're sorry if you offend anyone on this forum. But like Alexander and others, you
make numerous hypotheses and draw conclusions from them as if they are a body of scientifically established facts, instead of subjecting them to objective, rigorous tests. Science is hard work,
and management, done well, reflects this. Then you say the Asians are not just as smart -- you think they're smarter! Look for answers that are nnot so easy, for these easy ones have plenty of
problems. Have you ever considered most of the religions extremism in this country serves the foreign interests, and that most of the religious sites in the world are foreign, as are most religious history, religious capital etc.?
I am not saying that proves something, but it needs to be explained in your "theory of everything" about who's keeping us down.
> It's bad enough that the pursuit of money >rather than value in the US has already >undermined the education of the youth of the US.
You forget, perhaps, there are other explanations for who is dumming us down.
Who are the usual suspects? Who killed 50 to 100 million of their own country-people in mid 20th Century to impose an ideology? Could they still be operating to advance their ideology? A few years ago, the guy collecting my rent was a Comm don't say they're not operating in this countyr. You say they're bright enough. Or how about the world's biggest single church, who didn't even let their own people read their own Bible 'til the 1890s --
and they operate hugely in our country.
There may be many factors, and some persons in both those groups could have exemplary behavior in this context. It's complex. Management is even harder than lab chemistry, so don't presume who's bright. You might just cause the wrong management theory to win.
>The entire enrollment are from other countries >or emmigrants.
Do you have a firm command of vocabulary?