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So, Everyone Beleves That God Is Just Around The Corner

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Posted by Alexander on November 20, 2001 16:24:16 UTC

of present knowledge, right?

It was so in the ditant past, and it is over and over again: atheistspoint on something science does not know yet (or they PERSONALLY do not know) and say: "Hey, here is the GOD!" but next day science evicts gods from darc corner (from atop clouds, from behind Sun, Moon, rain, fertility, vitalism, big bang, etc. etc.

What is unknown about consciouseness besides that billions of neurons turning on and off? On = conscious, off = unconscious. Each neuron (and all network) works as physics (=math) prescribes, any neirobiology text is full of details. E/m pulses carrying information from neuron to neuron, amplitude-frequency modulation, floating threshhold, non-linear amplification, positive and negative feedbacks, etc - what is "divine" about this? Complexity? Well, computer or car is complex too. Unpredictability? Car or computer is unpredictable too - they break down all the time at unpredictable moments. Does this mean, somebody (God?) "breaks" them at these moments (makes so-so or even well balanced brain produce illogical acts like suiside)? Earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, tornadoes, even ordinary rain - are NOT well predictable phenomena (complex system solution often contains exponents - meaning that the final result may exponentially amlify minor fluctuations of initial conditions, thus be drastically different due to minor if not undetectable change in initial conditions (say, upside-down pencil balanced on a tip may fall either direction depending on fluctuation in position of single electron on its tip). So? Sure you see "The hand of GOD" here. But where? In Heizenberg uncertainty principle? It is mathematical property of any wave (entaglement of momentum and position).

So, everything goes according to mathematical equations which we happen to call "natural laws". And math is just a logic (1+0=1, ore "one existing object + lack of existing object=still one existing object), it does not need any "grandmaster" to make rules.

So, no "drivers" or "calculators" or "thinkers" are needed to make events in universe happen.

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