Dear Stormcrow, the universe we live in is indeed
hostile and nurturing. It, nor any other matter of existence holds one , last , determining voice
of guidance. Nothing matters at all. If your whales were to die, they would only be forgotten.
If the entire civilization were to crumble, all
of their values, beliefs, truths, would crumble as
well because all that was " their perception "
only existed because those entities lived to
provide tangibility. Life everywhere is just one
faculty of all there is. Stated by logic, there
is an infinite amount of life. There being an infinite amount of life, there must also be an infinite amount of death and suffering. These two worlds co-exist and rely on one another to validate the other. You are correct in stating that there be no right and wrong. There isn't.
Nothing in all of imagined creation does.
But we don't live for that fact. I revert back
to your " Ignorance is bliss vs. " Truth "
Your life, right now is infinitely SMALL. Soon
no truth will matter to you. For you will be dead.
There will be no more time for you to contemplate
life and non-life. According to you, there would be no heaven. And at the moment of death you would
believe that, and die. Cease to exist. Your thoughts , persona would ripple endlessely through
those you touched, but you wouldn't care. You would be forgotten. And when the human race dies out, all those most honorable, and most great will
be nothing as well. You will be equal at that point in time to anyone else who has ever lived.
After that short time, nothing that ever happened on this planet will have mattered.
-Why does something even matter ? If I were to
walk into Stormy's house and attempt to kill him,
would he stop me? Why, yes he would. Stormy would resist because HIS life MATTERS to HIM. Does it
matter to me? NO. I want to kill him. What matters
to Stormy superceeds all that matters to someone
else. What the hijackers on flight 175 believed
and felt mattered to them, did not matter to millions of people. So why does ANYTHING matter
at all, when an INFINITE number of souls, don't
share the same interest insomething that ONE
individual cares about? Answer : ( as dictated by logic ) Nothing matters at all.
-However, do we live for that fact of nature?
That nothing matters? No. The short time we
spend here as conscious living things aware of
our environments and capable of entertainment
believe that it is our duty to let things matter
to us and to show OTHERS what matters to us.
This is a phenomenon. Truly. But by the same
principles, no belief should be held FALSE.
I conccur with Stormy's definition of belief.
And my true argument refers back to his
" BELIEF " in what truth actually is.
Since both of our beliefs in TRUTH differ, they
REALLY do NOT differ, and differ at the same
time. This is logical when his definition of
belief applies. Beccause it is actually his belief. He , nor I can prove a negative. ( as dictated by logic ) So why should ANY of us in
this forum try to do so. We would have better
luck stopping time. |