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Balancing The Scope

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Posted by Bob Sal on March 18, 2002 14:33:37 UTC

Hi Guys;
I've never balanced one of those Tosco's but this may help. This is how I balance my 80MM EQ refractor. I think all th EQ mounts work pretty much the same way. I balanced other EQ mounted scopes this way also. Start by loosening the lock nuts and placing the scope in a position so that the counterweight bar and the telescope tube are both parallel to the floor. Start with the scope and counter weight side. Loosen the lock nut, the other should be tight. Make sure that the counter weight bar is parallel to the floor. Now the scope should be on one side, the counter weight on the other. Let go of the scope. It sould stay right where it is, it shouldn't move. If it does move, adjust the counter weight so that the scope and counter weight are in balance. Once you have it so that it will stay put without moving, tighten the lock nut. Now loosen the nut again to make sure it stays. Once that's good, still keeping the counter weight bar parallel to the floor, thighten it again and loosen the other lock nut. This time the telescope will tilt up or down if it's not in balance. You now need to slide the tube up or down the rings (it's holder) to get it in balance. It's in balance when you can let go and the tube does not tip up or down. When that's done, tighten the lock nut again. Then loosen it and it shouldn't move. If that's good, tighten both lock nuts, then loosen both to make sure it's good. It should stay now. Now swing the scope in positin to point at something in the sky. Let go and it should stay. This procedure should be done with the finderscope on the telescope and the eyepiece you use most in the telescope as well. When changing to a different size eyepiece or adding the barlow your changing the weight so it may slip a little. If so, you may want to make a small adjustment again by repeating the above procedure. But it may not matter if you not using real heavy eyepieces. Also, on most EQ mounts the manual slow motion controls work much better when the lock nuts are locked. Some don't work at all with them open. That should help, since Tosco dosen't feel the need to add directions with their telescopes. Let me know how it goes.
That's it;

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