I am sorry, but I am personally of the opinion that you do not have the intellectual ability to follow my thoughts. Please don't take this as an insult; I simply feel that you are so immersed in your own concept of reality that my picture is completely beyond your comprehension. That is, I personally feel that I am, for the most part, wasting my time trying to explain to you what is going on in my head.
You and I have taken rather opposing views of the problem life has put before us. I have always taken it as incumbent upon the listener to comprehend what people mean when they tell of their knowledge. If what they say does not make sense than I presume I did not understand what they said. You seem rather to take the position that it is incumbent upon the speaker to make themselves clear. The problem with your attack is that it does not lead to thought, but rather leads to an attempt to find the answers in other peoples thoughts. If we all took that attack we would still be living in caves.
With regard to your comment concerning "R1":
>>>"Because we have figured out a convenient way of cataloging reality." >"Only actual examination of reality can clarify the question.">"My subconscious is part and parcel of explainable reality.">"One is being rather presumptuous to assume that the set of all possible *models* of reality consists of a single possibility." > is to have precisely defined terms>mean spirited tone (e.g., "Harv's thinking is straight out of the dark ages"). I do think you have 'something', but without clear definitions it is almost impossible to see what exactly. |