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Moonshot A Hoax?

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Posted by Kip Crawford on July 13, 2001 00:22:47 UTC

No, I don't think so. It is a fact that that their equipment that they left behind is in evidence. During the Apollo missions, we were still in the Cold War. The Russains knew we went and had a man there...they said so...reluctantly. Some say they were in "cahoots" with the US....hogwash. And don't forget Red China...these moon shots made them nervous to the point that they launched armed "satellites" pointed at the moon...still are maybe. The European Space Agency also conluded that we were there. People must remember that the Apollo missions were being planned several years before any Apollo missions left earth. The early Mercury/Gemini missions were solely done for the benefit of "beating" the Russains in everything else, except being first in space. It was purely political. The Apollo missions were also political, but patriotic in some regards.

No...if this were a real hoax, there would be plenty of evidence. Kinda like the JFK assinatation theory...more credeance is going towards a muliple conspiracy. Space missions today are real as they were 30 years ago. I can see the ISS in my telescope, so there isn't any doubt there. I realize that there is many who feel that the Lunar missions were false. Some TV show awhile back tried to "prove" of this hoax. I thought the show was pulling "rabbits" out of imaginary hats. Anybody can counter-theory any event. Just takes time to make up a good believable scenario. It's easy.

Now...is Elvis really dead?

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