Thankyou mournblade
I guess now you will understand that such a massive object residing in the center of galaxies , animal as you call them would be classed as a large light producing object, which is what I have been stating all along .
Each and every galaxy was the final chapter in the evolutionary expansion of the universe , the first super huge star having been created would then eject matter which then collapsed to form consecutive spheres and so on and so on until the universe ended this expansion with the last huge stars ( these being the galaxies ) the total mass of a galaxy was once a huge star , the last cycle of huge consecutive stars .
These stars having been part of an expansion that would have resulted in the distrubution of matter throughout the universe would then be the cause to form the structure it has today , thats why galaxies are everywhere .
These galaxies being the last cycle of huge stars would then eject matter that would curl and form the arms of galaxies , some of these stars would eject their entire shells hence forming the ellipsed galaxies .
The matter surrounding a given galaxy today has collapsed in many locations , in fact billions , hence the billions of stars, each galaxy is like the beginning of the universe in miniture .
So these billions of stars surrounding a given galaxy today would then be orbiting the remnant from the super huge star the entire galaxy used to be , the remnant having been compressed due to the inward force of moving heat in a spherical motion ( in other words the remnant being once the core of the huge star ) is then today being re-heated due to the billions of stars having been formed from the matter the huge star had ejected .
This would then be the reason why a huge mass can reside in todays galaxies , we cannot see the mass with a horizontal view because of the stellar material , however we can see that in some galaxies there seems to be a dark central region , thats because you would be looking directly overhead at the poles , the reason then why we see this dark central region is not because they are blackholes but because the huge remnant residing in the center is being heated mostly around the equator hence then the poles would be less hotter and so they depict a dark region.
The question of the jets is as discussed with Alexander to be proven for either theory of blackholes or huge remnant , but my version is that these galaxies having a central bulge , a huge remnant then the stars surrounding them would re-heat them , the remnants having been compressed not by gravity remember but by the inward force of heat , then these remnants being compressed would mean that the gasses it was once made from when it was part of a super huge stellar collapse , then these gasses would become a compact fuel source and would then be the cause for the high energy releases known as jets .
The jets I believe in most cases shoot out from the equatorial regions forming the mass energy lobes of a given galaxy , in some cases however I believe that they can be expelled out from the pole regions as this would be the weakest point for a high pressure to find its easiest way out of its equatorial regions were under mass pressure of heat eminating from the surrounding stars .
Today a similar effect is seen in these mini universes , the stars eject matter which has caused the origin of our planets in short , but also stars have reached a stage of mass that the compressed cores that they carry also blow out their pressure which then create the supernovae thus leaving a smaller condensed core known as a neutron star or pulsar , a smaller version of the central bulges in our galaxies , one can see that pulsars give out high energy rays as well , the neutron stars on the other hand landing in an orbital path around a star would then block the light pressure heading towards the star hence a mass release of matter from the star would curl around the neutron star and create an accreation disc , this hot material would then heat the compact material of the neutron star and would then cause it to heat up eventually causing the neutron star to also expel high energy rays .
Newtron stars are just the remains of a super nova or a star that fizzled out due to the consistancy or material substance that had cause for the inward force of the heat fusion to become extinguished due to the many reasons , one being the ejction of pressure in a spherical fashion or in part that lead to such an occurrance .
It is quite obvios that a neutron star landing in an orbital path around a given star would then due to the above mentioned , would then seem to be misrepresented as a blackhole sucking matter from a given star , the accretion disc forming and heating the neutron star would then give out hig energy rays and would seem to many theorists as particles being torn apart at the even horizon of a blackhole .
Eisteins GR allows for such a mass in our universe as a blackhole , but I am telling you guys that science has erred , gravity does not exist and nor do blackholes , science is being mislead , you can question my theory , that is fine , I just simply wanted to say that there is another alternative view . GR is a measurement , a theoretical equasion of the force of light , the blocking of light is the cause of why things fall , and I am sure that this force will become obsolete due to science itself proving it has erred but at the moment since 1996 it does not want to listen to me hence I wrote my book , it is not perfect but the main objective was because what you have just read fell upon scientific deft ears.
Mournblade I hope that you now understand , please do not come back with a thousand questions , just one or two at a time else I get cobwebs having to answer your method of interest , I was about to leave this site but I will hang on a little longer so what is it you now need to know .
John Reyes