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I Believe You Side Stepped Some Issues

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Posted by Richard Ruquist on November 18, 2002 17:59:10 UTC

1.Does "mean velocity" include the General Redshift of Starlight by Expansion, or is it Doppler with GenRed edited out?

The redshift due to expansion for our galaxy is essentially zero and for the local cluster of galaxies it is negligible compared to the velocity of the entire local cluster towards the so-called Great Attracor. Therefore the Great Attractor could not be within our galaxy or anywhere in the local cluster as you have suggested.

2.I was not aware of the Shiva arrangement. It does rather point to me being correct re the universe being in stable orbit rather than expanding, and that it follows my Spiral Galaxy Windup Dilemma solution, as I have suggested.

The entire Shiva supercluster (as I like to call it) displays varying amount of redshift due to expansion. Therefore it could not possibly be in stable orbit.

In order to know if any cluster in in stable orbit around a center, you need independent measurements of the cluster's velocity and its location. Such data is not available to astronomers for the Shiva super cluszter. So there is no way to test your hypothesis.

The stars and clusters close enough to the earth to get such measurements indicate a linear dependence of redshift on distance which is proof, so astronomers think, of an expanding universe.

Certain quasars provide an independent measurement of distance and redshift. That dependence is linear out to 10 billon light years, which includes all of the supercluster. Beyond that the measurements indicate that the red shift is less than linear, indicating that the expansion rate is greater now than 10-15 billion years ago.

There is no data that I now of or that you have referenced that supports your hypothesis.


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