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A Word From Our PsyWar Practising Sponsors.

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Posted by Brian Kirk Parquette on June 21, 2001 21:28:05 UTC

This is also the reason the 4th Dimension is a favorite conscript among science fiction writers and metaphysicists. There is unflappable
security in speculations and improvisations of a subject, about which there is no recognized non-mathematical comprehension; no
recognized absolutes or authorities (when the allegory expert falsely emerges everywhere, waxing of discovery, while swearing his
subject is functionally unfindable).
A haven for academic refugees, charlatans and misfits. A proving ground that endorses (and/or ambivalently disqualifies) everything and/or anything; according to the needs of
the sometimes desperately ignorant, coyly pretending, scientifically name-saked oper-ators and historical revisionists. A Sorely Overdue Public Service Message Follows:
A word from our PsyWar practising sponsors. DORITOS: The Chevy Chase - comedian-endorsed potato chip to mug & manslaughter old ladies - kill, die and DEATHSPEAK for.
Only kidding around. Lighten uppenseig! JustJoking! Taking super-violence saturated commercialism like this seriously (defending yourself and others from it by identifying
and counterattacking it), is commonly interpreted as anti-social, nuerotic behavior. (Refer, dwelling on the negative; complaining too much.)The rogue corporate state
deliberately manufactures insanity; without restraint. A person can get in trouble for merely pointing this out. Resulting in yet more social infra-structural friction and Blaming
The Victim(s). An industry of Corporate state victimology. Those who deny this very serious problem and/or fault those who identify and speak of it: are half of the
problematical DEATHSPEAKING equation. DORITOS: creatively educational and highly contagious, network broadcast appetite for violent Psy-War as entertainment is not
usu-ally called rant, when intrusively inserted in regular programming formats as a matter of routine free enterprise, American institutional policy. On the other hand,
nazi-busting reflections like this are often criticized; resentfully called rant; by the same PsyWar-adoring, nazi protecting public it targets and attacks. Refer, Theres nothing
you can do about it. A common call to surrender. A chanting celebration of impotence.
Todays Hollywood endorsed physicists. Emulating and normalizing the gratitude of abundantly praised Academy thankers. Graduates of the politically correct, inner circle
Governors U. Seedy PsyWar Sowers, argot speakers and Whirlwind Beating Reapers. Not being judgmental is fashionably considered the most secure position on the social
survival board. Not being judgmental on the other hand, can be as hazardous as being judgmental. It depends on circumstances. Perennially popular misunderstandings among
people about whether there is or not, any good or bad, right or wrong, are profitable only to the bad and wrong persons engaged in any such argument. Hence, the ungainly
popularity of such vainly insidious argumentation. Maintained by those who profit from it, imagining an escape of personal responsibility. Blaming god and/or the empty
assignment of karma is very large in this evasionary domain. Academic science is not immune to such false and/or haughty, selective inclusions - and exclusions - of
judgmentality. And now, this:
No discourse on the 4th Dimension, whether it be physics or science fiction, would be complete without directly suggesting that it is 'unimaginable', or,
'incomprehensible', or 'something else', or 'someplace else' ('far out').
And yet, it is agreed that the 4th Dimension is 'time & motion' ; somehow integrally combined with the 3 recognized Dimensions of Space; existing always and
everywhere. Then we need very little imagination or faith in Einstein, to know that we are perpetually witnessing and experiencing the 4th Dimension, in simply
being conscious of the reality we are part of; by which we are constantly surrounded.
We can correctly go one step further. We can be confident that the 4th Dimension has been, and continues to be overlooked. That is,
we can know that some very fundamental constituent or phenomenon of reality - with which we are all familiar, but which has yet to
be recognized, is the 4th Dimension. The 4-Dimensional space-time continuum to be exact.
"Today's physical scientists tell us that 'the 4th Dimension is time and motion'. They say this because they know Einstein
proved it mathematically. But it is not a non-mathematically satisfactory answer; because it does not contribute to any further
comprehension of what the 4th Dimension is, relative to The 3-Dimensional Experience. Time and Motion are measurable and
comprehensible in Three Dimensions. Why not in 4? What is it about proven and measured 4-dimensional reality, that has not been
recognized? Why has it not been recognized?

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