Still stealing KBR's work and holding it out as his own, on the World Wide Web. That's a lot of witnesses, and word is, all of it goes into permanent archives. Evidently Mr. Parquette is not aware that the quickest route to complete loss of credibility in typographic conveyances is plagiarization - holding out the work of other people as your work; not accrediting your sources of information; creating the illusion that you accomplished what someone else did.
Mr. Parquette will begin to understand his limitations as Molly Keyboard MacColley's favorite poem digs in, all across the telegraph, as it were. Kilroy bought it, here X:
Gravity is The 4th Dimension
"Where are the dimensions and where are they not?
Boundless dimensions of music and thought.
Infinite dimensions of cold and of hot.
But countless dimensions of space there are not.
Dimensions of beauty
and wine and of thee.
Occur in spatial dimensions
of which there are three.
A 3-D you anna 3-D me.
Munching 3-D apples from a 3-D tree.
3-D up and 3-D down.
3-D apples to the 3-D ground.
A 3-D fall anna 3-D 'thump'.
3-D sugar inna 3-D lump.
3-D smooth and 3-D rough.
4-D Einstein, sayin' "three ain't enough".
4-D guitar and 4-D strings.
Albert's 4-D song about 4-D things.
4-D amplifier an 4-D gear.
Singin' 4-D lyrics into 3-D ears.
3-D professors onna 3-D jag.
Stuffin' 4-D physics inna 3-D bag.
If you're lookin' for a message in here,
It's of 4-D headaches from a 3-D beer.
3-D professors tellin' 3-D lies,
Gettin' 3-D money for the Nobel Prize.
3-D scientists onna 3-D pension.
Refusing to recognize,
gravity is the 4th dimension."
- Kent Benjamin Robertson
Copyright 1969, '79 & '99
Refer website: Periphery.cc/~molly