Yes I agree with you , I am wrong in my statement , what I refer to is that the earths crust covered by water is where life exists and so this life is also subject to being made up of mostly water .
The origin of life is a puzzeling question with many alternative answers , so my answer is due to my belief that the earth has a cold core as explained throughout my posts .
I believe that the earth and planets were once part of an ejection of matter from the sun which to me the planetary alignment today would signify such a mass ejection like a sqirt from a toy water gun , this ejection consisting of matter and gases would have eventually curved just like you rotating as you fired the water gun hence explaning in a weightless environment the orbital position of todays planets in combination how this matter separated and cooled, a totally different concept that explains the expansion of the universe reaching back to super large stars ejecting matter to form stars that eventually left a remnant , a central bulge that lies in our galaxies , the star then was the cause of the matter surrounding its vacinity today hence the cycle continues on a smaller scale , all galaxies are then mini-universes.
The collapsing matter that formed the planets would cool into a spherical shape or would collapse from a cold cloud of material that eventually would become heated up by the much larger sun yet the sun being bigger would itself have a surface of a greater viscosity hence the pressure build up , hence the ejection of matter, it would over time increase in heat as it shrank which today the 11 year cycle represents , further back it must have been much longer which fusion would have not yet reached its maximum due to the size of the sun and the inward path that the spherical heat would take that would intensify as the diameter of the spherical path became smaller hence this would create an increasing heat that eventually would create a proton proton reaction meaning that the material ejected would consist of what the earth is made up today in its cold core , this cold core having a ring of fusion would be quite capable to produce and expel material for the creation of life , today we find life in caves that have their very own chemical closed systems and life that seems to surround the undersea smokers that contain chemical elements so hazardous and poisonous yet life seems to exist in the extreme heat of the surrounding high temperatures which then makes me believe that fusion is the act to create the right mixture for the origin of life which then becomes subject to survive by either chemical closed systems or light dependant life cycles , the water then coming from the hydrogen in the cold core a by product of its use as fuel in fusion .
What I mean is that time is measured by man using the sun earth relationship as a measurement for calander time .
John Reyes