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Posted by Tripp McCann on February 16, 2002 20:14:40 UTC

You stated, ""The thing that seems obvious to me concerning ufo experts is the fact that to believe in ufo's and their continued visits to this planet one must assume that we are pretty important." No, that is your own focus on the situation from your own point of view (POV) on Earth Presuming why others may be here or observing and not interacting makes presumptions of areas you are not and cannot be aware of. That said, many ancient texts such as the Bible or Book of Enoch refer to beings as "Watchers". Perhaps mankind is being observed to see if we attain an level of adequate development to be allowed into a cosmic community.

The thing that seems obvious to me... concerning ufo naysayrs is the fact that they have never truly researched man's own history to see if this phenomenon could have gone on in the past and if it did so, inquire into how these interactons might have effected mankind's culture and history. Instead these naysayers do examine only the seeming enigmatic appearances in current times, but only superficially, and then apply their KNOWN realities to what may exist elsewhere. This is neither scientific nor objective.

So there is a wide varied of crafts. This is an observation. Your conclusion that these are "so many different beings" or that there cannot indeed be others and visiting indepedently and/or employing different technologies.

Why must "WE" be "that important" for them to come here? Even in theoretics we are on the dawn of new technologies that could propel man at superluminal speeds into the cosmos.. where, were to find others, I would hope we would be a good enough guest to only observe and not simple take advantage of that position.

I believe that one's NEED to argue against belief that "the ufo's are space vehicles from another planet" as being one void of logic and to believe this is a "building a house of cards" can only have at its foundation an misplaced arrogance in the singular greatness mankind, much akin to repositioning the Earth at the center of the solar system, and the singularly myopic point of view that all we "KNOW" is all that exists.

In fact, I dont just believe that these conclucions about "UFOs" and "OTHERS" are wrong. .I know them to be wrong.

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