Actually I am documenting Stunning evidence of artificial engineerings on Mars. You dont think these are "US" do you? Actually, there are beings beyond us and it is provable and being proven. SImply because you're not paying attention is not proof of non-existence. Your personal absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
MGS NASA Mars Image: One artificial feature in an area laden with artificial features.
There is tons of "Evidence" around us. You are simply not looking or superficially dismissing these.
Two NASA Shuttle Events described:
1) Shuttle Hubble Repair Endeavor
2) Shuttle STS-75 "Tether Experiment"
These are not "ice crystals" filmed out of focus nor any other natural phonemenon. These are real and are quite evidently frustrating NASA.
Strange Phenomenon in Recent NASA Film
March 19, 2002 8:30 CDT
NASA's public video broadcasts are just that: public. Some people are finding that by studying the footage they show -- and sometimes the creative editing in the re-broadcasts of that same footage -- NASA is actually providing documentations of UFO's for those who look carefully.
A team of contributors at has consistently added footage to the library of examples the site now holds. Recent additions to that library have some startling shots that seem
impossible to explain away other than to point to the presence of a UFO in the shot.
In one of the latest clips, taken on the recent repair mission on the telescope in March of 2002 you'd swear the UFO was actually deliberately trying to provoke the cameraman.
This from the website:During] "…the footage, the
massive telescope separates from the robot arm holding it in bay, a glimmering, flashing UFO enters the picture from the lower left, apparently some distance beyond the floating telescope.
The camera operator clearly spots the twinkling UFO and adjusts the camera upward to remove it from the scene.
"The UFO then moves across the field of view, re-entering the frame. Again, the camera operator attempts to hide the UFO even shifting the framing of the Hubble completely to one side, but to no avail.... the UFO continues to make a mockery of his obfuscation and passes on the opposite side of the Hubble where it cannot be avoided.
"Suddenly, the transmission goes completely static and the next scene is a silent Houston control center. No comments, of course."
[[It should be noted that in the complete video sequence, 12 UFOs appear moving or darting across space, but only these three were bright enough to transfer clearly for web-level video compression. ]]
We suggest you pop a tape in the next time you're watching NASA footage so that you can go back and study it closely. You just might find you're getting more of a broadcast than NASA intended you to.
SOURCE: Strange Phenomenon in Recent NASA Film
Rense.Com Source: NASA's Dirty Little Secret: Remarkable UFOs Captured On NASA Open Broadcasts
NASA UFOs: Shuttle STS-75 Tether Incident
Februay 25, 1996 Columbia shuttle STS-75 was trailing a 12 mile long tether to invesigate whether electricity could be gathered from space from existing electrical potentials. As it so happened more than ten times the energy was gathered than was anticipated and the tether overheated and broke. Other sources explain the tether break occuring as a result of a pinhole in the sheathing causing oxygen to escape and causing the tether to melt.
However while filming the experiment,Astronaut Claude Nicolier caught numerous appearances of UFO crafts. These crafts show some stunning details. Note that the tether is between 77-100 nautical miles away from the shuttle Columbia.
The tether is 12 miles long. The UFOs all pass "behind" the tether which allows us to view and measure their minimum sizes. Some are 2-3 miles minimum diameter!!
Beyond that, as claimed, some of these UFO's demonstrate electromagnetic wave properties or pulsing which indicate potentials to travel at super-luminal speeds, speeds many times the speed of light. Specifically, 13.5 times the speed of light! These circular crafts appear to have a black hole/dot in the middle, however this black hole/dot is actually the result of the central core of these crafts emmanating eletromagnetic waves which are much faster than the speed of light itself, thereby prohibiting visible light
from reflecting off this surface, making it appear to be a void or hole.
Some have attempted to dismiss these as "ice crystals" out of focus (as appied to another Shuttle filme) however this is a claim not supported by the image evidence nor one supported
by focal factors overall in imaging. There are numerous "objects" that enter into the camera's view and these objects are of similar shape and detailing and do not exhibit the diffuse boundaries typified by out of focus objects. These
objects change direction irrelevant to other movement and some do exhibit a pulsating light that is not shared by other objects in the vacinity nor is this reflactance the result of random reflactance of a light sorce with object rotation. There is no evidence whatsoever of any of these objects, either in those objects pulsating nor those with a constant reflectance, of any sort "translucency'. Beyond that, as these objects leave the lighting cone, they lose any possible reflected light source and yet those with pulsating light continue to pulse proportionately.
Still Images:
Videos and Discussion
Discussion of Electromagnetic Pulsing & the "Time Clock":
History of the Shuttle Tether Experiment
Tether Break Video