I second the motion, NOT GUILTY.
Hey Jisbond,
Just a small note.
I was reading a thread, that I felt was a little too harsh on you.
The thread was called.
"God & Science - gwbrink - Posted August 7, 2001 - 07:33 UTC"
You responded with a thread, called
produce your proof.
The gentleman, I feel, made a comment that expressed his feelings toward a link that you had posted called "Combat Kid", and again in my opinion, slammed you for attempting to force people to believe in "Your Religion", at least that is what I got out of it.
I thought it was rather unfair of him to be so harsh. I'm not looking to start trouble - At All.
So I hope:
1. I did not misinterpret his message and respond with an equally harsh tone.
2. I made a comment in the first paragraph about, what your background was vs. mine, and I was trying to give this person the idea that you and I are obviously from different backgrounds religiously, but that when you respond to my messages, you do not attempt to make me believe in your faith, I got upset when I read his message to you.
I used our differences, religoiusly or otherwise, and I hope this doesn't upset you, my intention is not that at all, but to strongly say to this person that many people, on what would appear to be on opposite sides of the fence, could hold conversation civily without offending the other person, especially when it comes to methodologies of life and the pursuance of peace.
Everyone has the right to speak, hopefully freely,
and no one should be beaten down for it, this forum, in my eyes, is for "what ever moves you", no matter how liberal or radical.
Again, with no intentions of starting conflict - I do appologize if I've taken you for something your not. I've found all of your responses enlightening, helpful, and considerate.
This thread response obviously does not flow with the corresponding topic, but I didn't know how else to let you know. The response I gave to this gentleman was called "IN JISBOND'S DEFENSE" posted a couple of days ago...
Robert (rggarfinkle)
Peace Jisbond. |