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Hey Paul

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Posted by Bob Sal on June 19, 2001 21:50:38 UTC

Hey Paul;
We actually have a similar yet oppisite problem. I generally don't take anything too seriously. I find life's too short, I gotta laugh all day if I can. I did mean it to be funny in serious sort of way. I didn't mean it to be pluged into the equation and tried to be made sense out of. I imagine you also run into quite a few people who can't formulate an original thought. I believe there are 3 sides to every issue. There's one side, the other side and the funny side. You can find the funny side to all sorts of issues on TV shows like David Letterman, Jay Leno and on the Radio with Howard Stern and Opie & Anthony. Of course the people who are serious about their "Issues" sometimes get offended. Oh well! That's life, as someone else just said here. Anyway, no offense intended. Maybe we'll have a few laughs together. Possibly even someone will dust off that thing, that...what do you call it, that...just a second I'll get it, that...Oh yeah, Telescope. Maybe look at something with it. Even get into a conversation about what you saw. By the way, you know how people always make the same stupid joke when you mention Uranus. Did you know a bunch of Astronomers are so sick of that stupid Uranus joke, they are actually trying to get the name changed. If it gets through the proper channels the new name will be, "Urectum".
Clear Skies.
That's it;

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