I am not aware of a scriptural basis for perfection. Perhaps you could enlighten me.
As far as religion is concerned, I have tried most of them, most strongly Christainity, Judiaism and Hinduism, with readings and some practice in Buddhism and reading in Islam. For a good deal of time I was a believing atheist. Of course at the time I thought it was the only rational belief. Forty years all was chemistry. But science, which I probably have the strongest belief in, has changed since then.
I wish I were enlightened and for a time I thought that might be possible. But it'snot for me in this lifetime.
As a matter of belief, everything for me is a matter of probability. 0So off the top of my head I'll put some numbers on my beliefs, but do not hold me to them. Present a rational argument andf I will change the numbers.
I am 100% sure I exist, even if I am dreaming.
I am 98% sure that this computer exists,and that you exist. After all I could be dreaming.
I am 90% sure that electromagnetic waves exist even though they are invisible.
I am 60% sure that particles are just a mathematical approximation, even though within that approximation, it's all that we can see.
I am 70% sure that a supernatural world exists, and I am 100% sure that I hope one exists.
I am 70% sure that the supernatural world contains intelligence.
I am 70% sure that that intelligence tries to influence humans
I am 50% sure that that intelligence can create coincidence in human life.
I am 60% sure that we evolve from lifetime to lifetime, and that we can evolve into the supernatural
I am 40% sure that once in the supernatural, beingfs can continue to evolve to the extent that they appear to be gods if they return to earth in some form
I am 30% sure that such gods return to earth, but 60% sure that beings more like us return to earth in some form.
I am 90% sure that most readers have stopped reading this by now. I am 100% sure that i would have if someone else were writing it.
So it's time to stop.
But thank you for given me the opportunity to express these probablistic beliefs.
For me, only I am 100%, narsiccistic (sp?)as that sounds