I've had that same suspicion that this is all a dream. Wouldn't that be terrible? You live and love with thousands of people, thousands of common souls, then you die, wake up, and none of it ever really happened. Some afterlife... anyway, here are my thoughts on some of your statistics.
"I am 90% sure that electromagnetic waves exist even though they are invisible."
Electromagnetic waves include light, ya know. :) Anyway, I find it interesting that your certainty that ER exists is only 20% greater than your certainty that a supernatural world exists. Turn on your radio. Turn on your TV. Use a cell phone. Use a microwave. Look up at the sun. Electromagnectic radiation is EVERYWHERE, even if not quite concurrent with our current theories on it. Now consider the supernatural. Has it affected your life in any way that can not be explained by scientific means? Or is it just a hunch brought on my some dreams and some lucky coincidences? The closeness between these two probabilities hint at a certain level of desperate hopefulness, if you don't mind me saying so.
"I am 70% sure that that intelligence tries to influence humans"
This is getting off on a tangent, but I still feel the need to point something out, and I think it would be an effective way to end this post. I don;t mean to make this into a personal attack on you, Yanniru, just religion is general. I'll write more later, but here it is: Almost all religions have very large degrees of homocentrism and narcissism built into them.
Man was created in God's image.
What about all the animals and primates that share almost all of our DNA?
They're just animals. Man is not an animal. Man is the pinnacle of evolution.
I think that UFOs exist and they abduct humans
Why would extraterrestrials be spending so much time focusing on the Podunk of the galaxy? You don't think they have anything better to do than fly around artificially inseminating people or just dissecting them for some reason?
These are pretty stereotypical examples, but I think you see what I mean. Most, if not all faiths, seem to revolve entirely around humans. We seem to be the most important thing in God's life. The Universe is made for us.
What B.S. You can see what kind of crowd a message like this appeals to. |