And we may as well call that being God.
Here is the logical development, with a few assumptions:
All matter is particles.
Particles are points- they have no extension
Therefore they do not take up space
What takes up space are fields or waves of various types.
Gravitational fields can be described as in General Relativity as 4-D space-time curvature. Gravitons are then ripples in space-time
Let us hypothesize that all fields can be described in terms of space-time alone, with perhaps additional dimensions than the usual 4 required.
If so, then all that fills space is space itself.
Space contains information in its curvature
Particles contain location information in space as well as magnitudes of point properties such as mass, charge, spin, etc. which are reflected in the space-time curvature.
Normally, we think of these point properties as affecting space. But it could be the other way around.
For the point of this discussion, space exists and contains a complete set of information to describe the entire universe in all detail.
In addition, from Noether's theorem and the conservation of momentum and energy, we know that space and time are continuous. Not descrete. Therefore it is a single entity. Right. No beginning or end within the universe.
Therefore, it is a single being that contains all available information.
That information includes the consciousness of alive beings within the universe as well as their intelligence.
Therefore the continuous being we call universe, or God if you like, contains intelligence and consciousness.
The only unanswered question, as far as this discussion is concerned, is whether that being has intelligence and consciousness as a whole.
Is the universe holistic in consciousness and intelligence as well as extension?