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Re: Scientists Take Themselves Seriously

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Posted by GwynJ on February 5, 2001 23:09:20 UTC

With all due respect, I think you took my comment 'too seriously'. I meant it only simply and jovially, that humans need to take a diversionary mental breath now and then lest their bright burning focuses burn them out. I have overanalyzed myself into many a corner which only scrambled focus, rather than clarified. But if I left room for possibility, my focuses are enhanced, I sabotage myself less, and I'm less likely to get on the defensive when someone makes a comment that, probably, is received in the spirit it was intended readily by those more familiar with me/my writings than you have become so far (no reflection on you, and perhaps my writings bore you too much to be of even entertainment value; that, too, is fair).

I take my appreciation for the work of scientists seriously; I know some, it is not easy, it is usually a struggle every step of the way (mostly through bureaucracy). My father was one. I have the greatest respect for scientists. I hope Ihave established that.

So when I say, let's not take ourselves too seriously, I mean let us remember the joy and passion which eagerly brought our feet to our respective 'studying/testing journey' to begin with. If a person allows him/herself to burn out, of what testimony is that to those who would follow the same path(s) of study? I've noticed some science-oriented people on this forum appear (to me) to perhaps be burnt out in frustration, cannot take a joke without overanalyzing it, and get wrankled at the slightest question of what they're talking about. If that is the way one prefers to become 'honorable', I suppose that's their choice. What honor does death by ulcers have, however?

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