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Posted by Glenn on December 30, 2000 03:19:12 UTC

That is the purpose why the Buddha appear in this world to show, to open, to awaken and gain entry to the Buddha's wisdom(Buddha's enlightenment) and known as the Buddha nature. How do we develop this and polish it in our lives to make it shine and manifest in our lives? It needs to take efforts or practice. In Nicheren Buddhism aside from prescribe Buddhist practice is to Chant Nam-Myoho Renge Kyo- the truth that operates within our lives.And therefore, chanting this phrase will enable us to tap direcly our enlightened nature.And Faith is the starting point of Buddhist practice. Nicheren says: " To have faith is the basis of Buddhism.He emphasize also the importance of study, along with practice: " Exert yourself in the 2 ways of practice and study. Without practice and study there can be no Buddhism ". Nicheren declares that without the pursuit of knowledge, without the test of reason, there is no Buddhism. Such is the Degree to which the Daishonin's Buddhism values reason. As the DIACHODO RON explains " It is faith through which one enters the sea of Buddhism and wisdom which one crosses it. Buddhist practice start from faith. That leads to the acquisition of wisdom carries us across the great sea of Buddhism- that is, to supreme enlightenment. Faith in Buddhism means establishing ones true self.Faith in Buddhism is not blind faith that rejects the criteria of reason. It is in fact of rational function cultivating of wisdom with a spirit of reverent searching.

There are three basics in applying Buddhism as i had presented it: faith, practice and study. They are the primary ingredients in the recipe for developing our innate enlightened condition, or Buddhahood. All three are essential. With this recipe, we will experience actual proof of our transformation in the forms of both conspicuous and inconspicuous benefit. The recipe is universal. these basics are the same in every country where this Buddhism is practiced.

FAITH -Traditionally, religion has asked its believers to have faith in its tenets before accepting the religion, without any proof of the religion's assertions. But how can we have faith in something with which we have no experience? Unless a religion can provide benefit to the believers' daily lives and help them overcome their struggles, they cannot become happy by practicing it. Today, many religions lack the ability to truly empower people to change.

In Buddhism, faith is based on experience. Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism emphasizes obtaining "actual proof" of the teaching's power. Faith begins as an expectation or hope that something will happen. At the start of our journey if we are willing to try the practice and anticipate some result, we will then develop our faith brick by brick as examples of actual proof accrue.

PRACTICE -To develop faith, we must take action. We strengthen our wisdom and vital life force by actualizing our Buddhahood each day in a very concrete way. Practice in Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism consists of two parts: practice for ourselves and practice for others. Practice for ourselves is primarily the chanting of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. Each morning and evening, believers participate in a ritual that, along with chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, includes recitation from two significant chapters of the Lotus Sutra - chapters which explain that each individual holds the potential for enlightenment and that life itself is eternal. This ritual has been traditionally referred to as gongyo (literally "assiduous practice"). Practice for others consists of introducing them to Nichiren Daishonin's teachings. It is action based on compassion to help give others the means to make fundamental improvements in their lives, similar to what we are undergoing. The development of our compassion through such practice for others is also a direct benefit to us.

STUDY - To gain confidence that this practice is valid, and to understand why your efforts will bring about a result, it is essential to study the tenets of this Buddhism. The basis of study comes from the founder himself, Nichiren Daishonin. More than 700 years ago, he instructed followers in the correct way to practice; and his writings, which have been preserved and translated into English, give us valuable insight into how this practice will benefit us today.

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