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Posted By Brian On December 12, 2000 18:05:34

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Posted by Mohammad Isa Mirsiam on December 12, 2000 22:47:23 UTC

Posted by Brian on December 12, 2000 18:05:34
You wrote:

"is that Muslim people believe that Jesus was not the messiah and the messiah is yet to come and Mohammed is your principal prophet is that the bare bones of it?"

My Reply:
Not completely my friend:
All of Jesus' Disciples Forsook him and fled at the critical juncture. Except Judas Iscarriott who was crucified. That is why you see in the Bible (the "supposed Jesus" on the Cross -who is really Judas Iscarriott made to look like Jesus - e.g. like the staff and of Moses was changed to look like a serpent) state: "Woman Behold Thy Son!"(Jesus standing beside Mary) and turning to the man (Jesus in disguise - looking like a gardener) "Behold Thy mother!" ((THE BEST EYE WITNESS WHO STATED THAT JESUS WAS NOT ON THE CROSS WAS THE PERSON WHO WAS ON THE CROSS WHO'S WORDS THE MISSING (RUN-AWAY) DISCIPLES CONFESS OF HAVING BEEN SAID)) ALSO "WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME?" ONLY A CONVICT WOULD SAY SUCH A THING AND NOT A PERSON WHO WAS DESTINED TO DIE FOR THE SIN OF ALL MANKIND WHO BELIEVED IN THE SHEDDING OF HUMAN BLOOD FOR THE REMISSION OF THEIR SIN(S). PEOPLE FORGET THAT GOD IS MERCIFUL AND SATAN IS VENGEFUL. THE POPULAR SCRIPTURES HAVE BEEN CORRUPTED CALLING GOD JEALOUS AND VENGEFUL (BOTH OF WHICH TRAITS BELONG ONLY TO THE DEVIL FOR TO GOD BELONGS ALL THINGS AND GOD HAS NO NEED(S) TO BE JEALOUS OR VENGEFUL)

True Muslims do not kill just as true Christians or Jews or Buddhists do not too! The problem is GREED. None of the people who are truly religious (faithful to God) are GREEDY.

Once we all believe in one God and believe in the Old Testament, New Testament and the Last Testament, sent to us by our God, We shall all see the whole picture. That God is One God and not a third of three or a tenth of some other number.

What is the numerical value of the word "US"? You see: in the middle east we have a plural "US"
and a word "US" which is descriptive of a Majesty of a King or God. Have you heard the saying "We are not amused!" this statement was spoken by one person a Queen of England who always spoke of herself as "WE" and "US" in the singular meaning but meaning that she represented the whole community. She was the voice of the community by decree. In the same way in the scriptures God speaks as "WE or "US"; otherwise US could include more than three and in to infinity including you and I. "US" is a word used in singular but it is a plural of self respect for the "ONE".

Muslims and Jews Believe in this and dislike the Christians and the polytheists importing their concept in their communities and propagating to their offspring. They believe that this belief will send a person straight to Hell as polytheism produces partners to the ONE God; This, Satan has always wanted to do. Remember Satan wanted to be a god himself! in every scripture we see this. (NOW: WHO WANTS THEIR CHILDREN TO GO TO HELL?)


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