you wrote: "Allright, I like the idea of life but where you use the term 'life' I'd replace it with 'energy', I just think the term is more fitting. Anyways. What bothers me is how people tend to refer to GOD as HIM. Eliminated Comptetition? That's a human trait/action that would imply a .. uhh.. rational... humanoid? or some such being. God isn't supposed to be any particular life form, right? God is just a name we put on something we want to have power over us so we don't feel so helpless or lost. You can see here that I have no preferable religion simply because of some small problems like that. GOD is still refered to as deity, a singularity is a nice term for it, but then all these traits are applied to it. 'God created the universe' sounds so much as if there was this all powerful ghost form and it just waved it's hand and poof, we have electrons in a big bang and what have you. Here's to the question you posted, who designed HIM? well? what made up energy? The beginnings of energy? the beginning of Bing Bang? s'what science is all 'bout right? where does it all come from? Anyone gets what I'm saying here?
Answer: I understand what u mean. Indeed, Buddhism is a religion of Life and a Philosophy of Life. But, Many still ignorant what Buddhism is...
Ever since the time of Shakyamuni, Buddhism has explained the nature of LIfe from the standpoint that LIFE itself is latent in nature and this what we call the concept of "KU" in japanese term though i am not japanese i am a Filipino, which transcends the dualistic distinction between existence and non-existence; the true nature of the universe. Modern science,too, is suggesting that Life is the ESSESENCE to the whole universe.
One thing for sure, is that it has been an idea of religions since time immemorial in the belief that GOD is the creator and who rule above all things.God is God and all His works are his creations. He is a ruler of above all things. GOD, u may say, is a powerful force who creates all things and intelligent beings, whom these beings return to worship and praise God's mercy.
But, this is not the case in the Buddhism or in the True Buddhism of Nichren's Philosophy of the LOTUS SUTRA. Buddhism ,long ago, has recognized this powerful all-sustaing force which itself the source of all physical and spiritual phenomena. And this is what we call, earlier in this post, the " MYSITC LAW ",which is the force and wisdom inherent in the entire cosmos.It is what u may call GOD, but it is different from God in that it is perfectly immanent in the cosmos and in our lives.It is not a force outside the COSMOS. It is the COSMOS itself.
The true nature of the cosmos and of LIFE is the fusion into entity of the physical law of life and the spiritual law of life.
Nicheren Daishonin said: " Earth is comparable to the physical law of life; cosmic space is compareble to the spiritual law of life. The two are inseparable. " Cosmic space, the Buddhist concept called in Sanskrit "sunyata" and in japanese "Ku", has been translated as nothingness or the Void, but is actually the spiritual law os cosmic life as a whole. Perhaps the best way to understand this interpretation is to consider that nothing exist except in relation to everything else, which is to say the totality of the cosmos.The spiritual law of life,then, is one and the same as the spiritual law of the cosmos.
Nichren Daishonin's meaning was that the universe is performing rhymical movements in which physical world and the cosmic spirit are one. And this was also true with science that universe is constantly changing and moving forward in rhytmical movements.
The universe may appear to be a purely material existence, but there is within it the world of the Life-Force(or what u call energy) inherent in all physical wonder of the cosmos.If we see MYSTIC LAW, as the fundamental source of all universal phenomena, i think we understand the fusion of the physical and spiritual laws of life.
Nicheren Daishonin said the two laws " are inseparable aspect of every single life " if we consider this in from practical viewpoint, it becomes evident that as Human beings we are special manifestations of the Fundamenatal Life-force of the cosmos.
What most clearly distiguish Buddhism from other god-oreinted religions is that Buddhism sees the cosmos itself as being the " LAW ". A "Buddha" is someone who has recognized his identity with the cosmic Law. This is much different from postulating an absolute deity who creates and dominates the Law. And the difference Between Buddhism and other religions are evident in their cosmological theories.
Phenomena indeed represents the LAW and this the workings of the MYSTIC LAW that governs all life-phenomena in the universe.
Buddhist concept of "Ku" or the truth of non-substantiality which describes as either existence or non-existence, which is one aspect of "the character and essence of all things. Ku help us understand how the universe could remain "Lifeless' for some billion years after its formation, yet still be called Alive: it's life-force was in the condition of Ku, not manifest, but profoundly shaping the design of the space and time universe as it evolved, down to the very Laws that govern it. As soon as condition allowed it to- and it's a sure thing that conditions would- Life emerged from a Latent state to manifest state, and proceeded to evolve into sentient, intelligent beings who could appreciate their roots in universal life and worship it's ESSENCE (This means fusing our lives to the universal life co'z we both have the funadmental core of life-force which is the the same with the life of the universe. The universe is the manifestation of MYSTIC LAW and as well as all other beings including us, HUMANS, ARE ALL MANIFESTATIONS of MYSTIC LAW. WE ARE OURSELVES THE MYSTIC LAW ITSELF). And that ESSSENCE- that subsumes all other laws, that has been driving and shaping reality since time without beginning and will never cease to do so- is " MYSTIC LAW ", the Life essence of the cosmos which is the ultimate principle or the totality of universal existence.This is the wisdom of Buddhism.